Chapter 2

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"Are we going to Kenneth's house again?" Solange asked me when we walked in the house. Whenever these two get into arguments, we spend the night at Matt's house. His mom is nice, kind of like Aunty Pat. We both aren't home on the weekends. Less time at home, the better.

"Let's wait five minutes to see if they stop, if not then we'll go." I say that because I don't feel like driving. I guess I need to get gas, I like to keep gas in my car. That's because living my life, you never know when you need to get up and leave. You know? 

"Okay." She nodded and we headed to our rooms. "Oh wait!" She stopped me. "Did I tell you about the sophomore field trip?" She goes to Crenshaw, too.

"No. What field trip?"

"My electronic's class is going to JPL."

"Jet Propulsion Laboratory?"


"When are you going?"

"Next Monday."

"How much money do you need?"

"Seventy-five dollars."

"When do you need the money?"

"This coming Wednesday."

"Okay." It's not like I need time to get the money because I have it. I just wanted to know how long she has known about the trip. "Where's the permission slip, so that I can fill it out.."

Lately I've been doing things Solange's that a parent would usually do. If she needed to go to the doctor or the dentist, I take her. If she needs money, I give it to her. Whatever the case is, I'm there. Not my mom.

"In my room." We went into Solange's room. I'm surprised that it's actually clean. Majority of the time she has her clothes and shoes scattered all over the place.

"Here." She handed me the two sheets of paper. Solange is very capable of filling this out, and I could just forge my mom's signature, like I always do. I'd rather everything be in the same handwriting. I don't want the school looking into it, and then have questions about it. That would just lead to unnecessary bullshit. Matt tells me that I'm paranoid, but I don't think so.

I filled everything out, and then looked over the JPL booklet. I went as a Junior. It was a fun event, and a learning experience. JPL is were all the rovers that goes up to the moon and other planets are built. You get to meet the scientist, and ask them a million and one questions. You also get to watch them work on the rovers. Like the movie "Apollo 13" with the astronauts, you get to sit a room just like they did in the movie. It's really cool, maybe I'm just a dork like that.

"Ooh, Bey." Solange looked at me, once I gave her the paper back.


"I also need money to eat and stuff." She spoke shyly.

"Will twenty dollars be enough?"

"That's perfect." She smiled. I like to keep my sister happy. If I can do it, I will. If that means that I have to cancel my plans, I will. You only live once, and she's only sixteen. She should enjoy it like I did. When I was sixteen, we had no worries. Our situation shouldn't prevent her fun teenage years, and it won't.

"You're gonna have a lot fun!"

"I know." She beamed. "I remember you telling me about it. Thanks." She hugged me, and I hugged her back.

"You're welcome."

"Aaaaaw." Chico said, standing in the doorway. "Such a hallmark moment."

"Don't you mean Kodak moment?" I questioned. John walked up and stoop next to Chico.

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