Issue #33 Never go home...a Supernatural TLN Series

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The vision hit me that night.

 The beach again, wave rippling onto the sand. I watched it with interest, thinking of the days in Michigan.  The daemon laid next to me, her eyes watching the waves with interest. After a few moments though, the waves became still they seized to move.

My eyes fell on the daemon, she stood up unsure of what was going on as well.

A man with blonde hair walked down the beach. He had a plaid, white button down shirt. He walked his black business shoes stirring up the sand. I stood up my eyes not budging from him.

“Hello Pigeon,” He said pleasantly, as if we were enjoying a nice afternoon in one of my dreams. As if, the daemon flattened her ears against her skull and I glared at him.

 “What did you come for Balthazar?” I demanded, the daemon began to growl. “You get bored with invading my life so you thought you had to invade my privacy as well?”

He grinned, “Relax Darling, I’m here on business. I can’t exactly walk up to you with the Winchesters around, they have so many Anti-everything up it makes it difficult.” He sat down casually in the sand, popping his shoes off and sitting cross legged, his tan bare toes folded into the sand.

“Come on,” He said casually. “Have a seat,”

I sat uneasily in the sand. The daemon sat, her glacier eyes staring hard at the man, her tail swished back and forth, but not in happiness. It was more of impatience. We were both uncertain of him, and I'm glad it wasn't just me who felt this way. The moment he came into my life he reminded me of a trickster, a bachelor, or even a fox with many ways to get what he wanted.

A bottle of parrot bay appeared in his hands. He twisted the cap and took a sip.

“Well get on with it.” I said, “I thought you said something about business.”

“Yes love,” He put the drink aside, “I did, you may not be considering us as business partners but we are. I thought I'd congratulate you for getting this far, considering how far the others got.”

“Yea, I know.” I said icily, they got dead. The daemon stared at me softly, she was thinking the same.

“And since your so close it’s a thing that I am glad to say.”

 “Why would you want them to find the Anti-Christ?” I asked. Everything that I've heard from Dean and Sam was that Balthazar had to have an angle on everything he did. If there was an angel linked between heaven and hell, it was Balthazar.

“Why wouldn’t I? Castiel attempted to kill me, and we were business partners too.”

“So this is a revenge thing,” I answered.

“Yes, the sooner they de-god him the sooner I can kill him.” He said simply. The wolf turned her head towards me. She didn’t believe him either. He was in it for something else, I could feel it.

“So, then there’s the matters of me getting home.” I stated.

“I can’t believe you’d actually want to go back,” Balthazar scoffed, “After all here you’ve done more than a week here than you’ve done your whole life!” His arms stretched out towards the still sea. I narrowed my eyes, did he just call me lazy?  “Do you think you’d get this lucky back home? After all you get fame, and you get them.” He was referring to Dean and Sam. That struck a chord. I looked away from him and towards the still sea.

 I stopped him, “You know there’s this thing? It’s called family.” I said and he stared at me, “You’ve probably never had one, but it’s important to me. So tell me, how am I getting back.”

“Dead,” He stated honestly. My heart fell like a rock.

“What?” I breathed.


He nodded, “Love, that’s the only way I can take you back. That’s the thing about Interlopers. They interlope, they can never go home.”

Tears filled my eyes, then rage and hate. I stood up, tears streaming down my face. “You mother—”


BEEP Beep! I sat up in a wild trance. Dean and Sam had set the alarm to go off so we could hit the road early.

They were just climbing out of bed. Dean grunted and turned off the alarm. Standing up, he went to the bathroom. Sam was stretching his arms out. Neither had noticed me.

I sat in shock the hotel sheets wrapped around me in a tangle. I shrugged them off and tried to register what had happened, my eyes falling to the carpet.One thing was certain.

 I would never go home.

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