Issue #13 Burned...a Supernatural TLN Series

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They flashed their fake badges, took reports from a man in scrubs, he had heard the screams and found the body. “So did you see anything at all? Feel any cold spots or anything?” Sam asked the man, raising his eyebrows.

“Cold spots, this is a morgue,” The man harrumphed, “If it was too warm, don’t you think we’d have a hard time working with the smell?” Sam looked down at his book, realized that this man was useless.

The room was unlocked, and Elena Helen lay onto the ground, still as a statue. “Well, let’s see what we got here.” Dean found some gloves and threw them on, looking over the body.

“Well, she’s got some wicked tattoos,” Dean exclaimed. Sam shook his head and pulled out a table.

“Over here’s Stacy Myers,” Sam said, Dean continued looking about the room.

 There was a yellow substance on the windowsill, Dean leaned down and smelled, “Here’s sulfur.”

He stepped over to Sam and drew out a silver blade. “Well, let’s see if she was human,” He laid the blade across the girls arm. Nothing.

“Dean, wouldn’t it be the other way around? The Shapeshifter alive and killing the original?” He ignored Sam and continued. He pressed the blade against the skin, nothing. Then he pressed down, the blade breaking the skin. Immediately it began hissing like fire.

Sam’s eyes widened, “Interlopers?” Dean nodded.

They tested on the others, snap, crackle, hiss, on every one. They were all dead, but why?

They told me to sit in the car, did I object even though it was humid and hot outside?  I did not, but I didn’t stay in the car, but I stayed outside, There was a small, pathetic tree outside of the building, I could see the car and I could be in shade.

The wind blew softly against the maple tree, the grass was soft on my skin as I laid there, distraught and staring up to the leaves. My little subconscious kept answering dreading questions for me.

When was I getting home? Never, you’re stuck here.

What about the Anti-Christ—Jesse Turner. You’ve got no clue.

Then I kept thinking about the last question, am I going to die here? Probably, there’s a slim chance you’ll ever see your sisters, or parents again. Part of me, deep inside was hurt by that thought, No…I told myself, you’ll get home; you’re not going to die here just because others have, you’re smarter than that. Just. Don’t. Get. Killed.

“Where’d she go?” I heard Sam ask, they were standing next to the car looking around. I stood up, brushing off access dirt. They saw me walking forward.

Dean’s eyes hardened, “Didn’t we tell you to stay into the car?” I shrugged a reply.

“It’s ninety degrees out, what do you expect?” I pointed over there. “At least there I could have some shade, and I didn’t get into trouble.”

“Well, you’re going to anyways.” Sam was holding a knife in his hands. I took a step back, uneasy. He realized what I had thought and he put it away. 

"You're in just as much trouble as the people in there," Sam said.

I scoffed, "How much trouble can they be in they're dead?"

“Did you know that there were others like you, but they’re pushing daisies?” Dean asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, but Balthazar said they were stupid or weak and they got themselves killed. I don’t know what makes me so different. I’m intelligent, but strength isn’t exactly my best feature.”

“Who cares, you ganked a Demon right?”

I glared at him, “There was a woman in there, and now she’s dead because I killed her, what’s so strong about that?”

Sam looked at me, surprised, Dean found himself regretting his words.

He cleared his throat, “Well, let’s go get you some clothes and keep you from getting killed.” Dean got in the driver’s seat and shut the door. I shook my head in disbelief.

 “So, I take it Hunting is not your thing?” Sam asked carefully.

“Not really,” I agreed, “I’m just not a killer, although there are people I’d die for.”

“Really? Who?”

“Family.” I said thoughtfully, realizing there was a lot of people I’d die for. My parents, my sisters, my niece, and the people I’d known long enough to earn the title family. My friends…

“I know how that goes, this wasn’t exactly my first choice, and I was a law student.” Sam stepped into the car.

Something happened, and now here he is again. Something happened to me as well, and here I am.

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