Issue #29 Stay out of my car!...a Supernatural TLN Series

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******What are the Ghostfacers? Important thing to know before reading this next chapter. They are like your original Ghost Busters, but they’re more amusing. There is Ed Zedmore, the main leader, and Harry Spangler his best friend, then there’s Spruce who tends to be behind the camera most of the time and Ed’s adopted sister Maggie. What do they do? Try to get rich by making a reality show off of ghosts, but both times they have attempted this Sam and Dean foil their plans, so Ed and Harry both dislike the Winchesters, in particular Dean because he makes no effort to be nice to them. Well, I’m bringing them back into the story because not only are they hilarious, but I miss them. Their theme song is in the corner if you want to laugh. PS Spruce has a cold so he won’t be able to join us.*********


That morning after my sickness I changed into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt with a rose and swirl designs in the center. It was my favorite; I could only hope I didn’t get sick on it later that day. Dean and Sam had taken only moments to get around. I was irritated, guys were so low maintenance while we had to fix our hair, put on makeup, all of which depending could take an hour. Guys have to brush maybe five inches of hair, shave and they’re good to go. I was already feeling like crap from earlier, so I was annoyed that they had to wait on me.

We stopped at a small breakfast. My stomach turned and gargled, it sounded like there was a dog fight in there. Judging from the sounds though there probably was. I couldn’t eat. I just sat at the table as Dean’s plate of bacon was place in front of me. I turned pale as the smell of grease and fat wafted towards me.

“Are you okay?” Sam asked.

I shook my head, getting up and making a b-line for the potty.

This time I was fortunate, I only got sick once.

About fifteen minutes later, I sat back down in the bench, my stomach ready to do flips. Sam looked concerned; Dean scooted about a foot away from me. They were about halfway through their meal.

“I think I’m going outside,” I grumbled.

Dean nodded, “Stay out of my car,”

I glared at him, he was afraid of getting his seats ruined, “Don’t worry Dean, I won’t ruin your precious car.” I grumbled and walked away.

When I walked outside I wasn’t greeted by fresh air like I had hoped. I could smell the restaurant’s food and trash. The smell made me gag. Normally I wouldn’t have such a weak stomach, but this last vision really did me in. I walked past an alley, making my way to Dean’s car where I planned to take a nap. Dean could just get over himself.

“Hey is that her?” I heard muffled voices, in the alley. I quickened my pace, not wanting to deal with weirdoes who thought they knew me.

“I think so. Get her!”

Fears confirmed; I turned around to see a group of geeky looking guys and an Asian girl heading towards me. This should be easy. I thought, but then I saw the Taser in the one’s hands. Sh*t. I took off turned to run, but this tazer had the kind that hooked into you. I felt a hiss when the hook clipped me and buried deep under my skin. Then I felt the electricity, white hot. I fell onto the gravel; blackness hit me not much later.


Dean and Sam headed out into the parking lot ten minutes later. They looked around for her but there was no trace.

At first they expected to be in the car but she hadn’t been in there. Her bag of clothes was still in the driver’s seat, unattended and lonely.

“Hope?” Sam shouted, there was no answer.

Dean was getting worried as well, “What do you think happened to her?”

“I don’t know,” Sam said.

 They heard a squeal of tires a van shot down the road. The Winchesters exchanged glances and they jumped into the Impala. The engine purred and it hummed down the road. They drove for hours but she was gone.

Dean slammed his hands angrily on the steering wheel. Sam stared out the window.

 "Dammit," He growled, knowing had they left moments there could have been the possibility of seeing what had happened.

Hope could be anywhere.

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