Issue #18: Blaze of Glory...a Supernatural TLN Series

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Later that night after locks had been picked and cameras had been shut off—thanks to Sam—we made it inside the morgue. Dean had a duffle bag in case things went out of hand. I had an iron pipe in my hand, figuring I wasn’t taking any chances. No one said it outright, but I’m pretty sure I’m bait. If I was going to be bait, fine, but let me be armed bait. They always make that mistake in the movies, and then everyone’s surprised when the bait gets killed.

We walked down the plain white hallway. I could hear my feet squeak along the floor softly. Dean and Sam were pros at this, they moved without a sound. Then we came to the gray colored door. Dean took out a couple of tools and the lock was open.

I stepped into the room, the very room where Elena Helen had been killed, my adrenaline already at its peak. I saw the red stains on the floor, Yellow tape had been placed around the scene, Dean stepped over it and began opening the drawers which contained the bodies. With a few slides, metallic click and a few bodies… I saw my attacker.

“That’s him, right there,”

Dean went over to the table. “This is one of the bodies they had been able to match the prints with. His name is Dalton Penn.” He leaned down and went to open the back. The bag flew across the room.

“Dammit.” The ghost appears, and isn’t staring at Dean or Sam as a table flies at them. His eyes are locked on me. I tighten my grip on the iron bar, anger filling me, imagining all of the women he must’ve slept with. All of the women he had raped.

“COME AND GET SOME!!!!” I growled. He was there in an instant. I swung the bar. It sliced through him.

He vanished.

“Get the salt!” I shouted. Sam and Dean threw the table off them reaching the duffle bag. The ghost didn’t notice him this time and went for me.

I was pinned against the wall; the bar went flying from my hands. “Hurry up!!!” I screeched. That was when the scratches began again, the ice cold surrounded me. I breathed out in a foggy haze.

I saw something out of the corner of my eyes, something I haven’t seen before. A figure stepped between the walls. Her body was soft, her eyes glaciers. She was ticked off, her hackles were raised and her lips pulled back in a threatening growl.

The daemon launched at the ghost, and tore into his skin, actually hurting him. She was flung onto her side. Instantly I felt the same pain on my side, understanding what Sam meant when he had said one gets hurt, so does the other. I grabbed the pipe, seeing Dean added the gasoline to the body. Sam lit up a match. Dalton Penn had my daemon/my soul pinned down. I watched the body begin to go up in flames. But the ghost was still there, I began to panic.  It should have been gone by now.

He grabbed her throat. I felt mine being seized by some invisible force. I began to choke, still I persisted. I threw the bar down across its head; this was the same moment it finally went up in flames.

It was gone for good this time.

I fell onto the ground next to the thing that was me. My soul…

I felt Sam and Dean next to me, I picked myself up off the ground, my body shuddering. I could feel a headache creeping up on me, little inches of pain, slow but consistent.

“Are you alright?”

I noticed the daemon was gone again. “What happened?” I asked.

“The daemon,” Sam said, “You didn’t notice?”

“Notice what?” I asked

Sam and Dean exchanged glances, which left me wondering. How long had I been passed out?

“After you fell, the wolf picked itself off the ground and landed on top of you. There was a bunch of light; I think…” He chose his next words carefully. “I think you became one.”

I sat up, “That’s ridiculous,”

Dean shook his head, “You know, after everything that’s happened the last couple of days—don’t you think anything’s possible?”

That was when the morgue’s alarms went off, causing everyone to jump.  “Sammy I thought you turned everything off!!!” Dean shouted.

Sam’s eyes narrowed, “They must have a trip wire or something,”

“Come on, let’s get the hell out of here.” Dean picked me up as Sam gathered the duffel and anything we dropped. We got back into the hallway when I ordered him to put me down.

“Just do it!” I snapped. He ignored me, only putting me down by the time we had reached the car.

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