Issue #2: Wisp...a Supernatural TLN Series

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Issue #2: Wisp...a Supernatural TLN Series


(....there's another awesome clip in the corner....)

I shuddered in the cold...was this God's idea of a joke? What I dreaming? Was I dead, and frankly if I wasn' long would it be before I was?

My question earlier hung in the air like a wisp of smoke. When he turned to me, he had a smirk on his face. Hate was already beginning to settle in towards him. People like him in the real world were people I avoided, people I loathed, the type of people that could walk off a cliff and I wouldn't be as upset.

He spoke with a British accent, "My name is Balthazar, I'm an angel, so to speak--if you believe in that kind of thing."

I scoffed, "Really, prove it." A pair of shadowy wings glistened translucently in the air. They were wings, but of an angels or demons I did not know. That thought alone scared me.

The air grew really warm as I took a shattered breath, "So what am I hear for? Am I dead?"

"No dearest you're not dead, and neither am I. What you're here for is really none of your business yet."

"Like hell it is!" I snapped angrily, and tiredly...this whole mess was crap, and I hoped it was simply a dream.

"Here's what you're going to do Pigeon," His fascination with pet names was insulting, but as I listened and became more confused as it filled my mind with more questions than answers.

The night had seemed to drone on forever…Sam and Dean sat at Bobby’s Place, a glass of whiskey in Dean’s hand and a book in Sam’s. But it wasn’t the “Good Book” Sam was holding, after what had happened a month ago he didn’t think he’d ever be able to touch the Bible again.

The whole place at Bobby’s they had lined with anti angel symbols and what little they could find for keeping Cas from watching them and to know what was going on, some of the stuff they used they didn’t even know if it worked or not. Cas probably already knew what was going on, but it eased their minds all the same to be able to hide stuff from him.

Castiel, their friend had not betrayed them, but gone against everything they believed in. These were times where all you had was something to believe in and what had Cas believed in? God, Dean thought bitterly. The S-O-B had a deep belief in God at one point, and now Cas was God. What freakin’ irony.

Sam slammed the book shut in frustration, dust from the antique settled onto the floor. Dean raised his eyebrow, “What’s wrong Sammy?”

Sam stood up in anger, pacing. “We haven’t found a damn thing that’s what! Nothing to help us!”

“Yeah I know Sam, it’s gonna be hard. But we gotta keep trying okay!? Cas can’t be God, he was already so damn arrogant to begin with,” With that he took another shot of whiskey, before taking that shot down Bobby walked into the living room, frustrated and tired. He wore a pair of moccasin slippers and a pair of boxers. His eyes were wild from lack of sleep.

“Will you guys shut the hell up!? It’s late, get some sleep, if I go back to sleep I don’t want to hear another damn word outta either of ya!” They stared at him baffled and he shook his head.

With a sigh he went into the kitchen. He went and got a glass of water, too early for drinking for him and just a little late for Dean. He had ran through research too—they all had, and he didn’t come up with anything. He didn’t want to think about it, but he realized days ago that they were plotting against God, against Cas. Question was….

Were they going to have to kill god?

The thought overwhelmed him as he wandered back to his room.

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