Issue #38 Shadow...a Supernatural TLN Series

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  • Dedicated to All of my Fans

~~~I now present to you the final chapter in this book. I want to thank all of those who have followed my writings, whether it be from the begining when Hope was lost in the woods, or to those who laughed as Hope and Dean sat in some shabby hotel eating pie and ice cream. Either means alot, and I do not think I would have gotten this far without you guys. I asked heatherlynn007 make me a tribute video for you guys and I hope you like it.~~~


Leaves and pine needles littered the forest floor. Crickets hummed and branches drifted in the night. The full moon shined down, casting luminescent shadows. Underneath an old maple tree a barn owl nested. It hooted and its talons wrapped tighter around the branch. It ruffled its cream colored feathers, irritated by the rustling noise and after a few moments it extended its wings and took off.

A man with black wings stood beneath the tree, watching expectantly. A leaf drifted down and landed into the knee high grass. Fingernails dug into the bark as I forced myself to stand. Where was I? My breath shuddered, chilled. My pain was gone, but the exhaustion still hit me like a tidal wave.

One moment I was there, next moment...I looked at my surroundings then my eyes fell on the angel.

"I'm dead aren't I?" I whispered softly.

Crickets chirped in the background, "I'm afraid so Pigeon," Balthazar said regretfully. "I didn't know about it until it was too late. Even Jesse Turner couldn't save you."

I sighed, taking in my surroundings, "So what, this is heaven?" It was darker than I had thought it would be.

He shook his head, "No this is Michigan, on the day you left." I could barely recognize things in the night, but then I saw the tire swing on the other side of the maple. He was right.

"If I can unsink the titanic, I can do this much for you." He answered, "Speaking of which, is there anything you want? Normally I'm not up for giving deals away for free, but call it compensation."

I thought about it, I could hear coyotes yipping in the night. "I want to go back and help Sam and Dean," I answered truthfully, I had to see this thing through. Maybe someday, I could come home again.

"I can't do that, there you are dead and no deal in the world would bring you back because Castiel wants you to stay dead." He changed the subject back to offering something in return, "How about that daemon inside you? Do you still want to keep it?"

I raised my eyebrows. "I don't have it now?" Emptyness then hit me like a rock. I had realized how close I had gotten to it. It was part of me now, of course.

He shook his head, "Not now you don't. You'd have to go find it again in this world."

 "I guess I would like to have it back with me then." He nodded then I felt the daemon inside me, which earlier felt like an unexplained absence.

"This will not be your last time to serve me," Balthazar uttered. "When you die here you will assist me. Till then enjoy your time, because you never know how much of it you will have left."

What? I would work for him again? Hadn't I sacrificed enough. "Wait!" I ordered.

He ignored me, a moment later Balthazar was gone, leaving me for home.

As I walked past the fields of hay and acres of trees; I thought over what had happened. I had been stolen by an angel. Only to be sent on an errand to find the Anti-Christ. I had found them instead. I had kept them close at night and we guarded each other with our lives. I had found the Anti-Christ.

I saw the house in the distance; I kept one foot in front of the other. Castiel was still God. Sam and Dean would have to get Castiel normal again, but they would have to do it without my help.

I made it to my room, where Isis slept at the foot of the bed. My feet dragged across the blue bedroom carpet as I laid down in the soft cream colored bed. I rested my head on my pillow and slept a visionless night.

Sam and Dean were on their own again...and all I could do was wish them good luck.


Author's Notes: There is a sequel its called In the Life Afterword. You can access it through my profile.

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