Chapter 48: So Friends?

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Robert brought a cup a coffee for Katherine and himself.

"You're feeling better?", Robert asked her.

"I think I should be asking you that question. By the way, did you call Ryan?", Katherine rolled her eyes.

"Yes... He said he'll come in the morning.", Robert began to think the moment he was talking to Robert on the phone.

"So I have to spend another night with you?", she asked him.

Robert was not listening to him. He immediately went into flashback.

"Ryan we are stuck on an island called...", Robert was cut by Ryan.

"I know where you are. I want you to take advantage of the moment I've created for the two of you.", Ryan told Robert.

"What! Are you sick?", Robert exclaimed.

"You took the wrong meaning idiot! Did you left your brain back in London?", Ryan mocked.

"I'm serious Ryan.", Robert's tone was much serious than before.

"You just need to get close to her. You need to make sure she changes her perspective. That's it! I'll be there tomorrow morning at about 10am.", Ryan explained to him.

There was a short pause when Ryan spoke again.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?", he asked.

"I understood what you're saying! See you tomorrow then! Bye.", Robert immediately hung up the phone.

"Robert! What are you thinking?", Katherine distracted him from his thoughts.

"Nothing. More coffee?", he asked her.

"No but more answers will do.", she was very annoyed by the fact that Ryan left her alone despite knowing the fact that she hates Robert.

"Answers? What kind of answers? You didn't even asked me any questions so how can I give you an answer.", he was feeling annoyed as well. He didn't wanted to lie to her anymore.

"Well, I can confirm the fact that you're totally mad!", she let out a laugh and slapped Robert's shoulder.

"Are you alright? Because you seem to be more mad than me.", he also laughed aloud.

Suddenly there was a long pause before they spoke again.

"I think it's time to go to bed.", Katherine said as she got up.

"I need to tell you something first.", Robert spoke.

"What is it?", she asked.

"Although this house might seem huge but it actually has only one room. Dad designed it such a way that only couples are meant to come here.", he told her timidly.

"So where are we suppose to sleep?", she asked him.

He took the lead and they walked towards the room. Katherine was feeling very nervous. What if something wrong happens?

"So have you been here?", Katherine was trying to divert her mind.

"Yes but alone.", he needed to add the part "alone" just in case she mistook it.

"Why alone?", she was very curious.

"Planning to spend some time with my ex-girlfriend, who is actually already here today", he shrugged his shoulders.

"So what were you planning for your ex-girlfriend who is actually already here today?", she asked him, with a smirk.

"To spend the vacations together. Unfortunately she broke up with me before I could suggest the plan for her.", he sounded very casual.

"Oh why did she break up with you?", Katherine pretended as if she didn't knew anything.

"Oh so you're actually interested in my story? Well then, she broke up with me because she mistook me. You know about 5 years ago, girls could mistook things easily. Thank god nowadays we boys could provide them evidence.", Robert was sounding very upset. 

Katherine didn't wanted to answer him because she felt that he might be saying the truth.

"Is this the room we are to share?", Katherine asked him as they approached the room.

"Yeah. You can sleep on the bed while I can sleep on the couch.", Robert was about to leave when Katherine held his wrist.

"What? You can't sleep alone? Afraid?", he asked her.

"No but I think you should with me in this room because I don't want you to complain the next morning saying that I didn't share the bed. I don't want our parents to get upset knowing the fact that we couldn't keep our friendship.", she didn't even know why was she blurting out all that.

"Do you even know what you're saying because I don't understand a sh*t you're saying.", he said.

"Okay, let's be direct. I think we should be friends again.", she thought if she would be closer to Robert, she would find out whether was he really cheating on her or not.

"Are you serious?", he nearly choked when he heard that from her.

"Yes because we have been friends from young and if we don't talk to each other or even ignore each other because of one stupid breakup then we're being childish.", she explained to him.

"So you're really wanting to be my friend? Is it from your heart or you're just pretending or did someone force you?", he needed to be sure.

Katherine just rolled her eyes and brought her hand out.

"Friends?", she asked him.

Instead of shaking her hand, he touched her forehead and then her neck.

"What you're doing?", she asked, trying to control her laughter.

"Just checking if you're having a fever.", he was also controlling his laughter.

"So friends?", she asked him again.

"Yes! Friends!", Robert shook his hand with hers.

So now they're friends!

What will happen now?

Will they ever gonna be together?

Another short chapter but I'll try to make the next one longer :)

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