Chapter 25: I'm Sorry

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Next morning, both the couple woke up early and got ready. Katherine was combing her hair. She had forgotten half the incident last night. She was feeling fresh.

Katherine was wearing a blue Chiffon Lace Trim Vest and a dark blue jean. She had braided her hair into a messy fishtail and wore her blue pair of converse sneakers. Once she was done, she packed her handbag and went down.

Robert was already waiting for her. Katherine saw her parents and Robert's parents. She wished them a great morning ahead and both of them sat for breakfast.

'Mum, when are we going to return back?', Katherine asked Pamela.

'Well, you are to return back on Sunday by afternoon...'

They had their breakfast quickly and both of them were ready to leave.

'Dear, how will you reach port?', Pamela asked.

'Jack told me that she will be giving us a lift.'

At that moment , Jacqueline arrived. She got off the car and with her a guy got off. Katherine waved to her parents and picked up her luggage. They went towards Jacqueline and placed their bags into the car. Jacqueline hugged Katherine and Robert and introduced the guy to them.

'Katty and Prince Charming, remember I told you I was dating someone? He's Jeremy, my boyfriend.'

Katherine got excited and was glad that her best friend was dating one of the hottest guys in school.

'Hey Jeremy. We haven't met for a long time. Great meeting!'

Jeremy went over to give Katherine a bear hug and shook hands with Robert.

'So Katherine, this is your Prince Charming. Jack was talking about him all the way.'

'I think all of you are just exaggerating the matter. I'm not a Prince Charming. My name is Robert Robinson.'

'I know that you are Robert but actually you look like a prince.'

After much chatting, they got into the car and drove off. As soon as they reached to the port, they got off the car and we're ready to go to the departure hall. They were early and thought to have a walk while they walk for their departure time.

Katherine and Robert had thanked Jacqueline for dropping them and were about to pass their passports to the officer to check when someone shouted out Katherine's name.


The voice seemed familiar to Katherine. She hoped it was him and to her surprise it was him.

He had joined to her and stopped her. Jacqueline and Jeremy were there at that point.

'Hey, Katherine. I need to talk. Robert don't mind if I borrow her for a while?'

Robert nodded and asked Katherine to go and talk. He didn't know what was the matter but suspected that something was wrong. He sensed that it was related to yesterday.

Ryan brought Katherine somewhere far away from the rest. He stopped a distance away and looked at her. She wasn't looking into Ryan's eyes. She didn't understand why was he even here!

'What are you doing here? What do you want from me? Didn't I tell you that I don't want to talk to you? I don't even want to see your face!'

'I know Katherine but please will you listen to me for once!'

'Fine! What is it?'

'I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry. I know whatever I said to you yesterday was kind of stupid and I shouldn't even be saying that. I wasn't fully conscious of what was I saying.'

Ryan took a deep breath and looked into Katherine's eyes. He knew that she might not even forgive her but he should give it a try at least.

'I'm in love with you but I don't want you to be separated from Robert. I want you to be happy. If you are happy I'm happy. I am sorry Katherine. Please forgive me. I know whatever I said to you might have hurt you but there wasn't any intentions. I was drunk and-'

'Ryan what guarantee I have that you would not plan anything to get me and Robert separated? In your life you had never drank alcohol and yesterday you did that!', Katherine interrupted Ryan.

'Katherine I drank alcohol because I was shocked by the news that you gave me. I thought you would never fall in love with anyone else other than me. We spent 12 years together and I have fallen in love with you unknowingly. I know I will never get you and I don't want to even get you. I also know you don't want to see my face and I just want to let you know that last night Jacqueline came over to my house and talked to me. She explained to me everything.', Ryan was already tearing. He continued his conversations with Katherine.

'Katherine, I will never appear in front of you ever but if you ever need a friend, I'm there for you.'

Ryan took a last look at Katherine and began to walk away from her. He left Katherine speechless. What will she do now.

'I understand that Katherine but you must promise me something, if Ryan apologizes to you, you are to forgive him.'

'Oh god! What will I do now. Jacqueline told me to forgive him if he apologizes but my heart don't agree. But he actually feels sorry. Urgh!', Katherine mumbled to herself.

Jacqueline's words were ringing into her ears. She needed to do something. Katherine didn't want to lose a friend. Whatever she would do was going to be the right decision.

'Ryan!', Katherine called him and ran to him. She ran as fast as she could to him.

Ryan quickly turned behind and saw Katherine. She stopped and playfully smacked his chest and elbow.

'You idiot! You know I won't be angry with you for a long time right. Ryan I'm sorry. I should have behave with you terribly. You are older than me and I should have respect your thoughts and opinions. I know you are in love with me and I'm not sure whether will I be able to the same friend that you had before the confession but I just want to let you know that I'll try my best to be the same.', Katherine spoke to him in an apologizing tone.

'No Katherine. I'm sorry. Will you forgive me? And I seriously understand you feelings and problems'

Katherine took her hand out and both of them shook it.

'Back to the deal best friend?', Katherine asked.

'Yup partner.', Ryan replied.

Katherine broke the hand shake and jump to give Ryan a hug.

'Thank you best friend', Katherine whispered into his ears.

Ryan smiled.

This friendship will never die.


Early update! It hasn't even been a full day since I updated the pervious chapter! Hope you would love this chapter!

Most likely the next one will be coming soon. Enjoy. And please ignore my mistakes. I'll edit it once I finish the book!

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