Chapter 46: Time For Scuba Diving

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It was morning and Olivia as well as Pamela barged into the room yelling at the top of their voice, "GOOD MORNING!".

But they were interrupted by the scene in front of them. Robert was lying on his bed with Katherine sleeping on the high stool with her head placed on his shoulders. They were holding each other's hands tightly and were enjoying each other's company a lot.

"Wow I didn't expected to see that when I barged into the room.", Olivia whispered to Pamela.

"Me too! I was expecting them to be fighting but they're so casual. But I like it! Our plans are working.", Pamela jumped for joy.

"We need to take a picture of them!", Olivia quickly took out her phone and was about to take a picture when Pamela accidentally hit onto the vase near to her.

Hearing the sound of the vase breaking into pieces, Katherine and Robert immediately woke up. She couldn't believe the position she was in at that point. Her hands were tangled into Robert's hand and was placed onto his shoulders.

They immediately let go of each other's hand and pretended that they didn't saw anything.

"Oh mother! What are you doing here?", Katherine asked her causally.

"Why are you asking me that question? Don't you wanted me to come or did the two of you wanted to enjoy each other's company?", Pamela burst into laughter. Olivia and Robert joined her.

"Whatever! Did you bring my clothes? I need to change and go off to meet my friends. We are going to the beach today!", Katherine told Pamela.

"Yes! Here you go. Jack and the rest wants to join you as well.", Pamela told her.

"Alright then. I'll go and change and go home first to get my stuff.", Katherine took the bag from her mother and went to change.

As soon as she was done she quickly left to go to her house.

"How are you Robert?", Pamela asked him as she sat next to him.

"You wouldn't believe what happened yesterday Aunt Pamela! Katherine took great care of me and was actually worried for me.", Robert was remembering the time he spent with her.

"Oh really. What did she do?", Olivia asked him.

Robert began to narrate the story and Olivia and Pamela was listening to it. As soon as Robert was done, Pamela said,"Our plan will absolutely work because Katherine is making it easier for us. Her love for Robert is being seen.".

"You're right Aunt Pamela! Robert and Katherine will be one, once again. I just hope they would be together before my wedding because I don't want Robert to be alone. By the way did you'll heard the latest news about Ryan?", Olivia said.

"What about Ryan?", Pamela asked.

"Ryan's in love with Sophia and Sophia is also in love with him!", Olivia squealed.

"Really? Are you serious? Ryan and Sophia don't go with each other.", Robert said.

"Not like Katherine and Robert goes with each other.", Olivia had a smirk on her face.

"Oh really? Then Olivia and Kevin don't go good with each other as well.", Robert had a smirk on his face.

"You can't say that little brother because we're getting married next month.", Olivia said win her eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Well Katherine and Robert will also go well with each other because they would be together before your wedding.", Robert said.

"Kids stop arguing.", Pamela stopped them.

"Sorry!", they both mumbled in unison.

"I have a crazy and cool plan. If Sophia and Ryan are together that means that Robert and Katherine have no choice but to be together. Ryan is also helping in our plans!", Pamela was so glad.

They all had a small pause before Robert spoke.

"Aunt Pamela, is it possible if I would go to the beach as well?", Robert asked Pamela.

"Why not dear! Olivia and Kevin will bring you there!", Olivia passed Robert his clothes and told him to go over and change.

"And that crazy lady tried to kill you?", Kevin asked Robert.

"Yeah! She's totally crazy.", Robert laughed.

"Isn't that why you love her?", Olivia asked him.

"Yeah that's why I love her a lot. She might be a little mad with me now but I know she will love me.", Robert told them.

They soon arrived to the beach and they quickly got down.

"We're here!", Kevin yelled at the top of his voice attracting Ryan's attention.

"Hey Robert! How's your head?", Ryan asked Robert as he walked towards them.

"Much better. Where's that crazy girl?", Robert asked Ryan.

"Who? Katherine? She's in the sea enjoying her time.", Robert told him.

"And what is she doing in the sea?", Robert asked him.

"Sea diving. Have you ever heard of that?", Ryan asked Robert sarcastically.

"Hey bro! You're still as sarcastic as usual!", Robert laughed.

"She will be out in some time now. Do you want to go sea diving?", Ryan asked.

"I always wanted to but I'm just afraid. Wait a minute! I have a plan.", he yelled at the top of his voice.

"Wow! Are you thinking what I'm thinking Robert?", Ryan asked.

"Yes I am Ryan!", Robert told him.

"It's scuba diving time with Katherine!", they yelled in unison.


Short chapter! Sorry! I'll update soon :)

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