Chapter 36: A Perfect Date

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Katherine quickly changed her clothes to something that seemed to be decent but was what she thought Robert wasn't expecting. She wore a blue flowly shirt with a pair of paper bag pants. She then wore a pair of Rubi marvel point flats. She then wore her pink jacket.

Once she was done she took her phone and ran down. Upon seeing her arrival, Robert stood up from the bench and walked towards her.

"You look good! Let's go!", he smiled at her and began to walk towards the car. 

"What!", Katherine exclaimed.

"What's wrong? It's looks fine.", Robert began to walk towards the car when Katherine stopped him again.

"Is this what you expected me to wear?", Katherine asked him.

"Yup! We're getting late! Let's go!", Robert walked briskly towards the car and Katherine followed him.

Robert was driving towards the highway. Katherine found it quite weird and decided to ask him where they were going.

"Where are we going Robert?", Katherine asked him.

"Somewhere special my love. Out to the countryside.", Robert explained to Katherine.

"My love? Where did you learn that from?", Katherine began to giggle as she asked.

They arrived to their destination after an hour and half of traveling. Darren drove his convertible BMW car to their destination.

He opened the roof of the car and asked Katherine to move to the backseat. Katherine jumped back and he also sat next to her.

"Why are we here?", Katherine asked Robert.

"You'll see. Now let's have our dinner!", Robert took out a container.

"Pizza! And what's for dessert?", Katherine asked him.

"You'll see that as well.".

They began to enjoy their pizza and talked to each other none stop.

"I was expecting you to bring me to a restaurant.", Katherine said as he ate her last piece.

"Nah! I thought having pizza here in the open would be a better choice. And the surprise gift is still about to come. Now let's have our dessert and that is ice-cream.", Robert took out two ice cream cones from the cooling bag.

After an hour it was time for the surprise.

"Ready for the surprise.", Robert asked Katherine.

"Yup!", Katherine exclaimed excitedly.

Robert took out his phone and dialled a number and told the person, "do it now!".

All the street lights went off and the sky was filled with stars shining brightly.  It was a beautiful scene. Katherine immediately got off the car and began to walk on the road. She was so happy and was smiling to herself.

"I always wanted to see all this and be under the stars! I've never seen the stars shining so brightly before.", Katherine felt someone hugging her from behind and kissing her cheeks.

"I knew you would love it Katherine. I hope this day would remain special to you.", Robert smiled at Katherine and hugged her even more tightly.

"Thank you Robert. I love you.", Katherine kissed him on his lips lightly.

"I love you too. We will leave in ten minutes. I've brought my camera. Do you want to take some pictures under the stars?".


"I don't understand why Robert doesn't answer my phone nowadays! It has been a week ever since I talked to him.", Sophia was sitting on her bed trying to call Robert.

"Robert is acting so weird ever since that time. Doesn't he know that he has a girlfriend as well? Why can't he be like any other boyfriend who cares for their girlfriend so much?", Sophia mumbled to herself.

"Maybe he's with that girl! What's her name? Is it Katffin? No! It's Katherine. Let me see who is she anyway on the Internet.", Sophia took her laptop out and began to research on Katherine.

"Katherine D'Cruz is a well known businessman daughter who is currently living in New York. Katherine is not only training to be a good businesswoman but is also studying law. She has done some modelling assignments before. She is one of the youngest businesswoman. She hasn't been seen with anyone yet. Still single! Many guys are after her but she isn't interested to be in a relationship.", Sophia read out whatever was on that website.

"She is so talented! Lucky her! She is single? Seriously! But Robert kissed her in front of my eyes! Could it have been someone else. But she might have lied to the media. Who cares! Let's continue reading. Katherine is famous on social media like Twitter, and Instagram. Let me go and check it out.", Sophia picked her phone up and went on Twitter to follow her but something caught her attention.

"Going on a date with the person I love the most! She has a boyfriend! Oh my! Is her boyfriend Robert? But she's living in New York and Robert is here! But Robert might have flew to New York. I need to check. But before that let me see her Instagram account.", Sophia looked at Katherine's Instagram account and remained speechless.

"She's seriously good looking! She's flawless! I need to talk to Robert about this matter. He might be with me now but when the two of them meet each other they would fall in love with other. I'll talk to him once both of us are free but now I need to check where he is.", Sophia began to call Robert's house.

A servant had picked up the phone.

"Hello may I speak to your boss?", Sophia spoke politely.

"I'm sorry but he's at work. May I know who are you?", the servant asked Sophia.

"It's okay. Just tell him that he should check his phone.", Sophia disconnected the phone and called Robert's office.

"Good evening. How can I help you?", the receptionist asked.

"Good evening I would like to speak to your boss.", Sophia answered her.

"I'm sorry Miss. Sir is in a very important meeting. Would you like to leave any message?", she asked.

"No. It's fine. Thank you.", Sophia disconnected the phone. 

"So this is confirm that he is at work and Katherine is in New York with her boyfriend. Although Katherine and Robert might be friends, there isn't any chance that they are dating since Katherine isn't here.", Sophia closed laptop and fell flat on her bed.

"I need to talk to Robert about our relationship. He has to either end it or continue with it sincerely.".


What's your impression of Sophia? I feel that she's changing a lot, for the better. The next chapter will lead to the twist of this book! I'll update it soon! If possible I'll update it in 4 days time.

For now just be patient!

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