Chapter 31: Future

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Two years passed by quickly. Katherine had already turned 19 years old when she graduated from college. She was turning 20 that year itself.

She was no longer the same Katherine. She was much mature and learnt how to understand situations.

She had not met Robert for 2 years. She was suppose to meet him at the business conference but at that time she fell down from the stairs and sprain her ankle. She couldn't walk properly. She lied to Robert that she was extremely busy and couldn't meet her.

She looked more beautiful than before. Her hair was shorter than before and she had not grew for some time.

Katherine would usually talk to Robert on the phone at least 3 times a day. They would message each other whenever they were free and would have video calls daily. She was dying to meet Robert everyday of her life.

Ryan, Jacqueline and Jeremy were great friends of Katherine. They would spend most of their time with Katherine to cheer her up. Ryan had forgotten about Katherine and his love for her. He moved on and was finding a girlfriend for himself.

All of them wanted to go to the same university as Katherine. Katherine on the other hand was finding a good university in Europe so that she could study with Robert.

Robert had also graduated from college and was applying for universities in London itself. He was dying to meet Katherine all the time. He missed her a lot.

Sophia was still in his life. She didn't told him whatever she saw. Katherine and Robert together. She kept it to herself. Christopher would usually hang out with Robert since he usually missed Katherine. All of them wanted to go to the same university although Sophia has not graduated from college yet. She had a year more to go.

They were all different. 2 years has changed them a lot.
It was a bright sunny morning. Katherine was already wide awake. She was busy finding for a university to study in on the net.

She finally saw it! It was the best. Maybe it was meant for her.

She quickly picked up her laptop and ran down to her parents. They were having breakfast. Upon seeing her arrival, they asked her to sit down.

'Mum dad! Look what I've found. A university. It offers the courses of my choice as well! And my results are above the cut off point. Should I apply for it?', Katherine exclaimed in happiness.

John stood up and walked towards Katherine.

'Where is the school? And what's it's name?', he questioned.

She didn't speak for a moment.

'Um... It's the University of London. In London.', she said with disappointment.

She knew her dad would not send her to London just to pursue a degree that's available in New York or in America itself.

She was about to walk away with her laptop when her father stopped her.

'Katherine wait. I want to tell you something.', he stopped her.

She quickly turned to him and placed her laptop on the dining table. He took his daughter's hand. At that point Pamela got out of her chair.

'I'm sorry Katherine. I've been an extremely bad daddy to you. I'm sorry I never understood you. I always forced you do things that you didn't like. I know you have started hating me from the day I planned to get you married with that business guy. But I thought that would be best for you. Now I understand whatever I to you was absolutely wrong. Please give your father any punishment. I will accept it happily!', John mumbled.

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