Chapter 22: Questions

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New chapter for everyone! This chapter is only about Ryan. It is about how he felt before and after the news. I know it could get boring but yeah bear with it! Actually from here the story gets interesting.... I can't wait to write the next chapter!

Ryan drove home angrily, with a heavy heart. Why did Katherine do this? He kept questioning himself.

Ryan went into his house and for the first time, he walked towards the bar! Never in his life did he ever thought of drinking. But today, in bright daylight, the thought came to his mind.

He quickly made a drink for himself and kept drinking. One glass, two, three! It just went on and on.

'What's in Robert that isn't in me! Urgh! I hate my life...', Ryan shouted, smashing the glass into the wall. The servants in his house appeared and were shocked to see him in such a condition.

'Why Katherine! Why! Why all these years... after loving you so much. Why did you think I wasted all my time with you!'

Ryan stumbled towards the sofa. He was crying and shouting loudly. This made the servants in the house tensed up. They thought of a solution and called up someone who could take care of Ryan. Meanwhile, Ryan took out his phone and looked at Katherine's photo.

'I never thought you would do this to me. Whatever I did for you... I thought my feelings would be kind of obvious to you... But this isn't expected. Why Katherine! Why!'

Ryan immediately began to wipe his tears.

'Actually, this isn't your fault at all. I couldn't tell you my feelings from day one. Over this few days I managed to gather all the courage so that I could share my feelings with you. I thought today would be the great day, but sadly, today someone else took my rights away...'

Ryan stood up and walked towards the bar. In his mind, he could image Robert and Katherine kissing, hugging, spending time together. He could hear her words echoing in his ears. Ryan made a drink for himself and kept drinking. He closed his eyes and the image of Robert came. He quickly opened his eyes.

'First you came in my life as Gabriel, and now Robert! Robert! I just hate that name! I just hate your attitude! I hate you Robert!'

Ryan took the glass in his hand and threw it towards a photograph. It was a photo of Katherine and Ryan together.

'I can't blame you for anything Katherine. You didn't made any mistake. Today was actually an extremely special day. I wanted to propose to you but seems like it wasn't in my luck...'

Ryan slipped his hand into the pocket of his pants. A diamond ring spilled out and he took at close look at it.

'That guy that's you are dating is the reason close to each other. He left you several years ago. You were all alone, dying to meet him. You wanted someone who was another copy of Robert. I thought I could take his place up and comfort you from all the pains. Actually, I managed to make some place in your heart but this guy! He took everything away. He took my life, my career, my family and now he took you...'

Ryan was crying and was confuse with what he was doing. He kept the ring back into his pocket and walked towards his family photo.

'My family. My parents, as well as myself. We were happy together. I left Australia, my country for my studies. I was with Katherine happily but you took her away from me. Why Robert? Why? You left me thinking all these questions on my own. If I was a genius like you, you think I would have recognized you in London?'

'Mr Robert Robinson. You are going to pay for what you have done. I'm not sure whether you forced this relationship with Katherine or she willing came to you but all I know you played a huge role. You managed to make space in Katherine's heart but I promise you, you will leave the same way you came in...'

Ryan took a deep breathe

'Ms Katherine Diana Cruz, you left me with a lot of questions. Why did you do this to me when I have given you hundreds of clues. I thought falling in love with you was already true love. But you broke my heart. What's in Robert Robinson that you couldn't see in me, Ryan George White!'

Ryan dropped to his knees and lean against the wall. He was crying badly. His anger had subsidized but inside him, it was still present there.

'After my parents, you were everything to me. Everyone close to me, betrayed me. You were the only one left. Now you are gone. You betrayed me. You betrayed me Katherine...'

Ryan was sinking in sadness. His head had drilled to the floor and his was closing already. The only words coming out of his mouth was, 'you betrayed me Katherine...'

End of chap 22

I know this chapter is kind of boring but it's important. The next chap will be coming soon. Pls vote and comment. :) thank you n please excuse all the errors!

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