Chapter 44: Confrontation

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"Why is he even here?", Jacqueline asked Ryan.

"It's a business party and he represents his family so obviously he has to come right!", Ryan explained to her.

"I don't care why he came but was it necessary for him to dance with Katherine?", she barked back. She was very angry.

Katherine on the other hand was busy thinking about Robert. She may show everyone that she was fine, she was actually not fine.

"Robert, why did you came back?", Katherine mumbled to herself as she began walking alone.

"Katherine, where are you going?", Charmaine asked her.

"I just want to be alone so please leave me alone for some time.", Katherine said as she began to walk again.

"Katherine!", Ryan stopped her.

"Yes?", she asked him as he walked towards her.

"Are you seriously alright?", he asked her as he placed his hand on her shoulders.

"Yup I'm fine! Don't worry. He doesn't affect me anymore.", Katherine gave him a light smile and walked away from the scene.

"I really hope whatever you're saying is not true Katherine.", he mumbled to herself.

Katherine walked out of the hall and began to search for Robert. He was nowhere to be found.

"Katherine!", Jeremy called out to Katherine.

"Yeah!", she replied to him.

"What are you doing here?", he asked Katherine.

"Um.. Nothing! Just came out for a walk! What are you doing here?", she asked him.

"Well, I had to attend to a call. I was just about to go back in when I saw you.", he told her.

"Do you want to go for a walk as well?", Katherine asked him.

"Yeah sure.", he followed her out of the hotel towards the garden.

"The sky looks beautiful in the night.", Jeremy said.

"If only life was like that.", Katherine commented.

"Katherine you're focusing on the past and not the future. If you look at the future, you would be fine.", Jeremy explained to her.

"It's not that Jeremy. It's something else. I just don't understand why would Robert do something that would actually hurt me and would come back to remind me that he has hurt me before.", Katherine told him.

"Robert is here today?", he asked her.

Katherine didn't answered him and just lowered her head.

"Jeremy, Kat! Quickly come in! There is something important!", Charmaine appeared out of nowhere and called them in.

All them quickly went in. Everyone was gathered. Ryan's parents, Katherine's parents, Olivia and Kevin, Jacqueline and Christopher, Ryan. There was a man in a mask standing next to them as well. Katherine recognised him at that moment. It was the same guy who asked her for a dance.

"John and Pamela, we want all of you to live with us in our house! It's an order.", Ryan's dad ordered.

"Well Matthew, we can't argue with you so we wouldn't mind staying with you but is there even room for 9 of us?", he asked Ryan's dad.

"Of Course! My house is big enough to have all of you living in my house! Come let's all go.", all them began to walk out of the hall.

Katherine began to worried. She didn't wanted Robert to stay with her under one roof.

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