Chapter 24: Horrible Memories

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Katherine drove back home and pretended as if nothing happened. She saw Robert waiting for her near the swimming pool and she made sure she didn't walk there by mistake. She knew Robert will find out that she cried.

Robert saw her got out of her car and he walked towards her. He knew something was wrong.

'I don't understand what's wrong with her. It can't be nothing. It must be something. I have a feeling that's she's ignoring me for a reason.', Robert mumbled to himself.

At that point he stood in front of Katherine but she walked aside. She ignored him. Robert stopped her and held her wrist. Katherine tried to run but he's grip was strong.

'What's wrong Katherine? Why did you ignore my phone calls?'

Katherine stood there silently. In her mind, she was thinking what to answer to him.

'What is it Katherine? Answer me.'

'Um... I went... to meet... a friend. She had left New York 5 years ago so she came and went to meet her.', Katherine wasn't looking into Robert's eyes.

'Without telling anyone?'

'Um... It was an emergency...'

'Seriously?! You just told me that you went to meet your friend but now you said it was an emergency? Why are you lying?'

Katherine stood quietly. Now what she tell him.

'I'm... I'm... not lying. It was an emergency to meet my friend because... because she... was leaving New York today...'

'Okay, then tell me why aren't you looking in my eyes?'

'Nothing... I'm just tired and we are going tomorrow so I need some sleep...'

Robert took his index finger and lifted Katherine's chin up and looked into her eyes. He knew it! Something was wrong.

'And you cried! Why? Is because of your friend?'

'Yes. She told me an extremely sad story. She told me... how her boyfriend... broke up with her. And I got emotional...'

'Okay, you may leave now.', Robert let go of her wrist. She was dumbfounded. She was getting angry with Robert.

'What's your problem Robert? After making me feel guilty you are asking me to leave?'

'Since when did I made you guilty? You told me your friend's story. I bet she broke up with her boyfriend because she tortured him and most likely didn't answer his phone.'

'What! You are indirectly telling me all that? Now wait and watch Mr Robinson. I will make sure that I won't follow you tomorrow!'

Katherine was about to walk when Robert grabbed her wrist again. She pulled her closer towards him. He had a smirk on his face.

'I was just kidding. Why would I make you guilty. I just wanted to let you know that I was feeling worried for you. And on top you were driving the car yourself so I was just... you know.'

Katherine was finally smiling. That's the reason why she felt Robert was more capable of being her boyfriend than Ryan. She quickly gave him a hug. She had tears rolling down her cheeks already. She didn't Robert to betray her like how Ryan did.

'Robert will you promise me something?'

'What is it?'

'You won't ever betray me or even cheat on me right?'

Robert just remember something. He was cheating on her all this while. Although he didn't love Sophia, he was in a relationship with her. They had been together and to Sophia, they are a couple. What will happen now? He had to do something before Katherine finds out anything.

'I will not do that. I promise...'

They broke the hug and Robert gave a kiss on Katherine's forehead.

'You must promise me something as well.'

'What is it?'

'You will never misunderstand or doubt me.'

Katherine smiled at him and nodded. She gave him a hug again. She hoped that the moment would never end.


That night, Katherine was standing at her room's balcony and was thinking about Ryan. She was not sure why was she feeling worried for him. She was afraid he would do something against his nature.

At that moment, there was a knock on Katherine's room door and the door opened. It was Jacqueline. Katherine called her over to tell her everything.

'Hey Katty! Your mum makes great muffins. I love them! She just offered me some and I love them!'

Katherine didn't respond to her comments. Katherine was thinking about something. She was so deep in her thoughts that she couldn't even hear what Jacqueline told her.

Jacqueline sensed that something was wrong and she walked to Katherine and placed her hand on Katherine's shoulder. Katherine got out of her thoughts and looked at Jacqueline.

'Jacqueline, when did you come?'

'Okay! Now I can confirm that there is something wrong with you! You called me Jacqueline instead of Jack! What's wrong Katherine? You didn't even realize when I came.'

Katherine broke into tears. She was heartbroken.

'Ryan! He's... he's in love with... me'

'What!', Jacqueline screamed.

'And I broke my friendship with him! He's nothing but an idiot! I hate him!'

'Katherine. Whatever you did was totally wrong. He is still our friend. Why did you do this?'

'Because he said things that I don't want to hear!'

'I understand that Katherine but you must promise me something, if Ryan apologizes to you, you are to forgive him.'

'It depends. I'll see.'

'I'll get going Kat! I came hear for another reason other than you calling me. Are you ready to go tomorrow?'

Katherine playfully smacked Jacqueline's shoulder. 'I think you should get going!'

They waved to each other and left. She felt light and thought to sit down and divert her mind from Ryan.

Robert, on the other hand, was worried. He had promise Katherine but there's no way he could fulfill it. The only person whom could solve his problem was his friend; Christopher.

Robert picked up his phone without looking at the time. It was 2.50am back at London. Christopher heard his phone rang and picked it up.

'Which idiot is calling me at night? Didn't you look at the time and call?', Christopher was half awake at that point. He was about to disconnect the phone when Robert spoke.

'You are calling your best friend an idiot!'

'Robert! What a surprise! You finally remember me after how many years.'

'Stop being sarcastic! Now you have to help me with my problem!'

Robert told his problem to Christopher.

'Did you meet that bitch! I mean your stupid so called girlfriend?'


'Then that's great buddy! I have a great solution for you!'

They both discussed a plan and soon cut the line.

'Katherine and Sophia! Handling 2 ladies isn't an easy task!'


Hello! I hope all of you would have enjoyed this chappy! Next one is coming soon! Most likely by Monday or if possible tomorrow! Please ignore all my mistakes

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