Chapter 41: Well-Developed Hatred

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5 years later

"Now we have our last topper in our university! Ms Katherine D'Cruz. She is our transfer from New York. She came half way through year one and I think this 5 years did gave her a lot of experience. She will become the best businesswoman anyone has ever known.", the dean spoke as Katherine walked up towards all the other toppers.

"We would like Katherine say a few words please.", the dean told her.

"Thank you very much. I had a pleasant time in this university for the past 5 years. I was studying in London when a small incident happened to me that I wanted to be transferred and I came here, in Australia. My dad's business allowed me to stay in Australia with my best friend, Ryan.", Ryan was standing next to her, giving his best smile.

"I actually left all my best friends back in London just because of one guy. He was my first and would be my last mistake. A mistake that I would never think of repeating in my life.", her face changed as she remembered her past.

"I just want to give all of an advice that may or may not be related to you. Don't ever fall in love! Love is very dangerous. When you fall in love, you feel like you're flying all the time. However, when the person breaks your heart, you can't forget how painful it actually is. I think I said too much. Thank you.", Katherine passed the mike back dean.


Katherine was not the same girl that we all knew. She had changed a lot, from head to toe. Her hair was shorter than before. It was no longer long and beautiful. It was now mid back length with wavy ends. Her hair was a mix of three colours. It was brown with some shades of green and red of layers.

She had stopped growing already and was much mature than before. She was no longer living like a princess. She would go to clubs and dance her heart out. Fortunately she was still as smart as before.

Robert on the other hand was the same guy everyone knew. He was still good looking but was much taller than before. The only change that appeared in him was that he didn't love Katherine anymore. Maybe deep down in his heart he might have feeling for her but he couldn't feel that anymore.


"Mum! I've finally graduated from university! I'm so glad that now I can work! I seriously so excited to meet you!", Katherine was having a video chat with Pamela.

Katherine was leaving in Ryan's house with Ryan and his parents. Australia was a great place, according to her!

"Oh sweetheart! Congratulations! I'm so happy that my baby is finally a grown up girl! I feel that your decision was partially right. Leaving us and living an independent did indeed change my baby! I just don't understand why do you need to look like a rebel.", Pamela was living with John back in London. Katherine's best friends were living with them.

5 years ago, when Katherine was alone and heartbroken, John decided to send his daughter away from all the pains. He trusted Ryan and sent her to Australia to study and expand the business.

Katherine decided to take the chance to live a life like a rebel. She dyed her hair, had more than one piercing and even fight with guys.

Ryan and Sophia were still trying to patch both Katherine and Robert up but it wasn't easy for them. Somehow instead of making the two of them fall in love with each other, Sophia and Ryan fell in love with each other. However, they never mentioned that to each other.

Back to the story:

"Come on mum! I told you to drop this topic. I love my life like that. By the way, I don't think anyone will ever fall in love with me and I don't need to think how will I bear the pain when he breaks my heart!", Katherine was trying hard not to remember the pain but it just appeared in front of her.

"Oh sweety! Let's don't talk about it. By the way, your dad has a great news! We're coming to Australia to meet. Jacqueline and the rest would be coming as well!", Pamela squealed in excitement.

"Wow! I'm so excited! Why are you'll coming here anyway?", Katherine asked curiously.

"Your dad has a party to attend and it requires the entire family and the best part it's in Australia. Adding on, your friends are pestering us to bring them along. They seriously want to meet you.", Pamela smiled at her daughter.

"Wow! I'm just so excited. I just can't wait to meet all of you! When are you'll coming?", Katherine asked her.

"In two days time! We are coming on the day we're having the party. So we'll just meet at the party. Jacqueline is calling me! Bye dear! Take care! Love you!"

"So there's going to be a part here. A business party! That means he's also going to come! But there's a high possibility he wouldn't come because he doesn't know I'm in Australia. So that means I'm safe from him!", Katherine mumbled to herself.

Katherine jumped onto her bed and lay flat. She let out a huge sigh! A smile appeared on her face. She then stood up and walked towards the dressing table.

"Katherine D'Cruz, you're suffered a lot and today you've got what you always wanted. You worked so hard to get a university degree. Isn't that what you always wanted?", she looked at herself and a smile disappeared.

"Why did you do that to me Robert Robinson? Why! Why did you make me cry many nights for you? Why did you make me change? You might be enjoying your life with Sophia and here I am, stuck! I don't know which way do I go! My first mistake made me realise that I should never do something stupid ever again! My mistake is to propose to you in the church! My mistake is to give my first kiss to you! And this mistake will always remain as a scar in my heart! I hate you Mr Robert Robinson!", Katherine clenched her teeth in anger.

Her hatred will always remain there but will Robert be able to melt her frozen heart?


hello! Sorry for the late update! I actually didn't had time to continue writing!

I'll update soon!


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