Chapter 13: The Drunkard

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Katherine walked over the counter and asked for more 'energy drinks' and kept drinking them. After her 7th glass, she walked towards Robert. She was already losing her balance and kept hitting people.

'You know this energy drink of yours are very addictive! I love them. Now wait and watch what I'll do!'

She ran to the dance floor where all were dancing. She was dancing. In her life she had never been to such places or even dance. The only thing she did was ball dancing. Her life was worse than a princess life. At least at home they will behave the way they want but here she behaved like a princess all the way.

Robert shook his head. This is the actually Katherine she wanted to be which he has fallen in love but he still didn't understand why Olivia lied to Katherine about him. Katherine at that point came and pulled his hand.

'Well if I can dance why don't you join me!'

Robert just followed her and was amused by the fact how she quickly changed. She was a different person.

'Gabriel! Dance! Don't move your hands only... You want me to get some energy drinks?'

'I'll... I'll dance! Don't worry!'

Robert had no choice but to dance but Katherine was dancing all the way. It was already 11.30pm and Robert had to force her out but her energy from the 'energy drinks' led her to dance more!

'No! I'm not going home!'

It was soon 12.30am and Katherine had drank her 27th glass of 'energy drink'! Oh God what will happen now!

'Come lets go Katherine! Enough of a normal person life!'

Robert dragged Katherine into the car and placed her at the back seat. He was about to close the door when Katherine pulled him in! She closed the door behind him and locked the car. Robert felt insecure and was wanting to leave.

'Well... Seems like someone is feeling insecure with me...'

'Katherine... It's late already... Let's go... Tomorrow we have school right?'

'Sshh!', Katherine placed her finger on his lips.

'No more worries for the past, the present and future! Why did you do this to me Robert? Why?'

Robert was shocked! Katherine at that moment placed her head on his shoulders and tangled her hands in his. It was dark inside the car so no one knew what was happening inside.

'You know Gabriel, I am till now in this dilemma whether should I even propose to you or not! But what can I do, feelings are feelings right? Whatever you made me feel when I was in London! How could I guarantee that Robert would make me feel like that?'

Robert have heard people saying that once someone is drunk, they tend to speak the truth and today this is what was actually happening.

'So Katherine, do you still love Robert?'

'I'm... I'm not sure... But if I tell you the truth pinky promise you will not tell anyone?'

Robert nodded his head.

'Yes! I'm still in love with Robert. Somewhere deep down in my heart there is still a place that Robert has kept his place for! Why are we talking about all this! Let's not talk about Robert and talk about us!'

'Katherine let me go... We need to get home if not your dad...'

'Dad! My dad! Every time l talked to him about my love life or anything related to guys or Robert, he will just stop me and make me do all those stuff I don't like. You know that a few months ago... Dad actually planned an arranged marriage for me with one of his stupid business partners idiotic son! That's because our relations could get better but what's the use!'

'But it's over right? So why are you worrying?'

'Yeah it's over but this has caused a lot of problem between me and dad! Only after what happened to mom, we became close again...'

'Okay... Let's get going.... Let me drive....'

Robert opened the door and made sure the back doors were lock. Robert drove home slowly as Katherine was distracting him all the way. She kept looking at her fingers and counted them.

'I have 1... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... Fingers! But why are they now 10!'

She kept singing songs and acted stupid.

As soon as they drove home and he parked the car, Robert took Katherine out the car.

'Katherine... Keep quiet when we get into the house okay?'

'If I don't then what will happen?'

'I will make sure you marry the idiotic son'

'Are you sure? Because you will never do that! That's because... You love me!'

Robert shook his head and laughed softly.

'I'll give you anything or listen to you if you keep quiet all the way...'

'That's a deal!'

'Now place a finger on your lip like a good girl'

Katherine followed Robert's instructions happily. She wasn't able to balance herself so she was giving Robert a side hug.

It was already 2.30am and everyone was already sleeping. The servants were sleeping as well. They went into the house slowly and had to climb up the stairs. Before they could do that, Katherine pulled him against the wall. She pushed him against the wall and was blocking him from leaving.

'I will only let you go if you give me a kiss...'

'Katherine... I'll listen to you if we go up to your room quietly... Don't be a stubborn girl...'

'Nope... 1 kissy first... And stop calling me Katherine! Call me honey... '

Robert had no choice but to slot one of his arm under her back and the other under both her legs. She wasn't that heavy so Robert did had any problem carrying her up the stairs. He carried her into her room switched on the lights and closed the door.

Robert placed Katherine slowly on the bed and was about to leave when one of the chains of her necklace got tangled in one of his shirts button.

'Look at this... Your shirt doesn't want to leave me as well... Now you have to fulfill your promise... Remember?'

'Yes... What is it?', Robert was busy getting the chain out of his shirt and placing Katherine properly in her bed.

'But first I need to wake up Olivia so that you can change your clothes.'

'No need Gabriel... You can do that for me right?'

'What the hell Katherine! What's wrong with you?'

'Fine.. I'll sleep like that but as promised, you must sleep with me tonight.... This is my command!'

'Katherine! This is getting too much!'

'See! You took the wrong meaning! I mean that I'll sleep on this side of the bed while you sleep that side... Please...'

'Well then... But I'll leave early in the morning okay?'

'Yes sir!'

Katherine dropped back and fell asleep. Robert covered her with a blanket and sat down leaning on the bed rest. She was playing with Katherine's hair. She looked extremely beautiful when she sleeps.

'You know Kat! I've always thought my best friend would still be normal or something like that but I've never thought that my best friend will become so crazy! You don't even have high tolerance of alcohol. I wonder how do you take the tolerance of wine? Today I'm so happy... You have propose to me... But I don't seem to understand why did Olivia said all this!'

Robert leaned closer towards Katherine's forehead and gave her a kiss.

'I promise you Katherine... I'll tell you everything... All the truth... Very soon...'

Robert picked up her hand and kissed it.

'And yes... I love you a lot'

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