Chapter 29: Tears

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Katherine woke up finding herself in an awkward position. She was holding the diary in one hand and the other was holding a pen. She had fell asleep after writing the diary.

They were going to reach New York soon. It was time to get ready. Katherine went off to take a nice and long shower.

As soon as she was done, she wore an orange Lightweight Chiffon Hem T-Shirt with a pair of brown pants. She wore her converse sneakers and tied her hair into a pony tail.

She had already packed her bag and was ready to go back home. She didn't feel like living her room and decided to sit down and watch television.

A few hours later, the cruiser had reached the dork. Everyone began to light off. Robert and Katherine as well.

They were expecting to take a cab home by themselves but by chance, Jacqueline and Ryan came to pick them up.

Robert and Katherine didn't talk to each other much since last night. All the way home, Katherine didn't talk to him. At home, everyone were excited to hear from them but Katherine told them that she was exhausted and wanted to take a nap.

The entire day, she didn't came out of the room. The entire night she didn't came out as well. Everyone was wondering if something might have happened to her but after hearing from Robert, they understood the matter. They decided to leave her on her own.

Next morning, Katherine got out of bed early. She had school today and afterwards Robert was leaving her.

She quickly wore a Ivory Rose Cami Dress. It was a cold day so she wore her red sweater on top of it. She tied her hair into a messy braid and wore a green pair of ballerina flats. She picked up her bag and books and left her room. She asked her driver to drop her to school early.

She felt like it was a gloomy day that was affecting her life. She needed to pour out her feelings. The only person whom could help her was Jacqueline.

At that point of time, she appeared.

'Hey Katherine! Why are you so gloomy. Since yesterday your fave has been like that. What happened?', she was smiling but her smile disappeared when she saw Katherine breaking down into tears.

'Robert is leaving. How could I be so foolish in thinking that we would have a happily ever after? I seriously hate myself for being so stupid and selfish. He's leaving today and we didn't talk to each other for a day! 24 hours! I just wasted it by crying.', Katherine was crying so hard that she needed to grasp for her breath.

Jacqueline tried to calm Katherine down. She could understand her pain.

'Katherine, listen to me carefully. Love is a very dangerous and selfish thing. We think falling in love and fulfilling all the duties it requires us to fulfill will be easy. But it's not. Love can be something that one desires to have. But it can become something painful. I hope you understand what I'm saying. You have it but now you are in pain. Robert is leaving. That's painful but at least you fulfilled your desire. So now calm down. Let's go to class now.'

Jacqueline is extremely caring and understanding. She loves Katherine a lot that she goes to the extent to take care of her.

It was soon after school. Katherine and Jacqueline drove to the airport to see Robert and his family off.

The airport wasn't crowded at all. Katherine's family, Ryan, Jacqueline and Jeremy were there to Robert and his family off.

They had checked in their luggages and it was time to leave.

'John! Thank you for everything. You took care of all of us so well.', Mark said as he gave John a hug.

'There isn't need for the formalities. So we will meet in New Zealand now right? For the business conference in eight months time.'

'Yes! That's a long way but we will still keep in touch.'

Pamela and Daisy gave each other hugs before moving on to the rest. Mark walked towards Katherine. It was quite obvious that she was feeling melancholy.

'Katherine! I know you're feeling low now but don't worry, none of us wouldn't stop you from calling Robert. He's all yours now.'

Mark quickly gave Katherine a hug and Daisy gave her a hug after him. Olivia walked towards Katherine and gave her a hug too.

'Katherine we will still keep in touch. And if I have ever behaved rudely to you please forgive me'

They smiled at each other. It was Robert now. Robert stood in front of Katherine. He could see in her eyes that she was crying all night long. It was obvious.

He felt like hugging and kissing her countless of times but it was not possible. Both of their parents were standing there.

'I think we shouldn't be standing here at this point. We should be giving both of them some space.', Olivia chirped.

Everyone began to laugh and walked away from them. Now they were alone together.

'Katherine. I know you... You're angry with me but please try to...', he was cut by her.

She quickly pushed her lips into his and they were kissing. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. She couldn't control them.

They broke the kiss and looked at each other. Robert pulled Katherine towards him and began to hug her tightly.

'I'm gonna miss you Katherine. I will miss you a lot. I'm sorry but I seriously need to leave. Will you please forgive me?'

Katherine broke the hut and began to hit his chest. She quickly began to hug him again.

'Katherine will you please say something? I'm dying to hear your voice.'

'I love you! I love you a lot Robert. I will miss you a lot because.... Life without you I'm incomplete.'

They broke the hug and Robert kissed her again. He then kissed her forehead.

'Are the two of you done because the pilot is waiting for mr Robert Robinson.', Ryan said to the two of them.

'Ryan! Dude! Will you please promise me you would take care of Katherine for me. I mean you're my cousin and Katherine's good friend so that shouldn't be a problem right....'

'I promise bro!'

It was time to go. They all stood in front of the departure hall. Katherine was still holding Robert's hand.

'We will get going now. Pamela please take care out your health. Bye....', Daisy exclaimed.

They began to go in and Robert was still holding onto Katherine's hand. He wasn't willing to let go of her. He quickly took his last glance at Katherine and let go of her hands. Ryan and Jacqueline quickly went to hold Katherine. She was already crying.

'I'm sorry Katherine....', Robert kept mumbling to himself.

He didn't looked back once. He didn't want to. He was afraid that he would break down like her.

'I love you Robert...', Katherine mumbled to herself.


This is the saddest chapter is have ever wrote. It's heartbreaking. But they are still together! Sad! Will update soon.

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