Chapter 10: The Breaking News

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"What happen Katherine?".


A tear rolled down her cheek. She fell on the floor and started to cry more. Ryan sense that there was something wrong so he quickly went to her.

"What happen Katherine? Is everything fine?", he asked her.

She was now crying loudly. He picked her phone up and saw the caller's name. It was John. But what happen. He took his phone and called John. He ask John what happen and what did he tell Katherine that made her cry non stop.

"Pamela is in the hospital! Please bring Katherine here, son!", John exclaimed.

Ryan was also shocked. He disconnected the phone and took Katherine's hand and her bag. He placed her in the car and drove to the hospital. He was speeding all the way crossing most of the red lights. Katherine was crying badly. If anything would happen to Pamela, Katherine wouldn't bear it. She wouldn't be able to live. Every child needs a parent but from young Katherine was very close to Pamela. She would share everything with Pamela. Every good news and bad news.

They reached the hospital within 10 minutes and Katherine left her bag in the car and ran into the hospital. She ran to the counter and ask for her mother's room. The nurse told her the ward number and she rushed to the room. She saw her dad standing one side and was crying as well.

Katherine ran to her father and hugged him. She was crying badly. John knew how his daughter. He let go of her and held her hand.

"Nothing will happen to your mom. She will be fine.", John calmed her down.

Katherine nodded her head and John cleaned her daughter's face.

"Dad, what's wrong with mum? She was fine in the morning.", Katherine asked John.

"I'm also not sure. I was in the office when Ami called me and told that something happen to Pamela. I don't know what happened.", John recalled.

Katherine somehow didn't understand what happened to her mother. She was absolutely fine in the morning but what happened to her.

After 1 hour of waiting, the doctor came out of the ward the operation theatre and walked towards Katherine, Ryan and John.

"Sir, your wife! She actually suffered from heart attack and we had to do a surgery. We saved her but unfortunately-", he stopped himself halfway.

"What happen to her?", John was wanting the doctor to answer her fast.

"She has gone into coma. I'm absolutely sorry.", the doctor held his head low.

Once Katherine heard that she went towards the doctor and held his collar. She was fuming angrily.

"Coma! I don't care doctor I want my mother with me now! You can get the best doctors in the world to solve my mother's coma but I don't care but I want my mother. Do you even know how does it feel when your mother isn't with you and there might not even be a chance for her to survive!", she yelled out.

John took her daughter's shoulder and Ryan was helping John do that. Once they had grabbed Katherine they told the doctor to leave but before he left he told her to change her clothes because it was inappropriate to wear that to such a prestige hospital.

"Katherine! Do you even know what are you doing? Pamela will become fine! Don't worry. Now you go home and change your clothes and come back ok!", John was ordering Katherine like any father will do.

John told Ryan to bring Katherine home and back to the hospital. Ryan held Katherine's shoulder and brought her to the car and home. Katherine had tears rolling down her cheek and she kept remembering the childhood memories she had with her mother.

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