My Beautiful Bella

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I woke up, hearing a child cry. My child. My Beautiful Bella. I got out of bed and hurried to her nursery. I turned on her lamp, and picked her up. "Shhh. Stop crying my princes," I said, trying to stop the crying. Charlie came in with her bottle. "Here you go. It's heated up at the right temperature," he said calmly. I smiled, sat down in the rocking chair, and grabbed the bottle. After I fed her, and made sure she burped, I sung her lullaby.

"Deep in the meadow, under the willow 

A bed of grass, a soft green pillow 

Lay down your head, and close your eyes 

And when they open, the sun will rise. 

Here it's safe and here it's warm 

Here the daisies come to guard you from every harm 

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true 

Here is the place where I love you, 

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away 

A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray 

Forget your woes and let your troubles lay 

And when it's morning, they'll wash away. 

Here it's safe and here it's warm 

Here the daisies come to guard you from every harm 

Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true 

Here is the place where I love you. 

Here is the place where I love you."

I saw Bella's chocolate colored eyes slowly close. Now she is sleeping, and dreaming sweet dreams. I set Bella down in her crib. Pulled her soft, fluffy pink blanket on her. Turned on her favorite nightlight. And kissed her forehead. I went back to bed, and slept peacefully.

I woke up when I heard Charlie cooing Bella. I smiled,"Good morning, Charlie. Good morning Bella." Charlie looked at me and smiled," Good morning Renee."

I played with Bella for a while. Then I finally got out of bed, took a shower, got dressed in dark blue pants, a green turtleneck shirt, and black boots, and went down stairs to see my family.

"Are you going out today," Charlie asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm going to store. Since we are low on food."

"Well, be careful. Someone broke out of jail last night. I just got the call when you were in the shower."

"Who was it?"

"It was that same criminal that I caught drinking and driving. So be careful. In fact, I'll go with you."

I nodded. I didn't want to run into any problems. We ate breakfast and got ready to leave. Charlie was driving and I was in the backseat with Bella. We arrived at WalMart in 30 minutes. And the shopping only last about 45 minutes. But we ran into someone.

It was the criminal. We saw him while we were putting the bags inside the van. I think the criminal's name was James? He was wearing black jeans, a black hoodie, and black shoes. Long blonde hair. And he has strange eyes. Red colored contacts? If he wanted nobody to notice him, he is not doing a go job. He saw us. Then quickly got in his car.

"Renee get inside. Now."

Charlie didn't need to tell me twice. I got in and fastened Bella to her seat. Charlie got in and started driving.

"Once you get inside, lock all doors and just to be safe, lock the windows too. And just stay in our bedroom with Bella. Make sure you have everything with you. And stay in that room until I come back. Okay?"

I nodded. I wanted my Bella to be safe. I looked back. It started raining hard that you can barely see the road. I prayed that me, Bella, and Charlie will be safe. We were half way there. But when I get there, I'm making sure everything is locked.

I looked back. I saw headlights. My heart rate sped up. The car kept go faster and faster.

"Charlie!" I yelled. He knew he was behind us. He was getting closer.... I braced myself for the crashed.

Then it all happened so fast.

James must have hit the car with all it's strength. We ended up spinning in circles, crashing into the fence that led to the forest, flipped over two times, and crashed into a tree.

I looked back at Bella. Thank God she was okay. I picked her up and tried to stop her crying.

"Charlie? Any bones brokes?"

Charlie turned around with blood gushing out from his head. My eyes widened.

"Renee. Go take Bella and you both hide somewhere in the forest. Not too far. I'll come back and get you once everything is clear. Okay?"

I nodded and managed to get out of the car. I only had a few cuts. But they big cuts. And there was pain in my head and legs. I ran but it was hard to run. The rain was still pouring down hard. I looked back and saw a shadow that was holding a gun. I hope it was Charlie. I didn't run far. I looked back, still seeing the shadow. I then heard police sirens in a distance. Yes! They are coming! Bella was quiet. I looked down and found her staring at me. I kissed her forehead and whispered," I love you." I looked back at the shadow.

Then out of nowhere, another shadow jumped down from a tree. Then the shadow bite the other shadow. On the neck..... I heard Charlie scream. After a minute, the shadow just shoved Charlie to the side. I ran after I saw that. But I knew I was next because when I looked back, he was staring at me. I ran faster. The police sirens got louder. The rain got heavier. But I knew I wasn't going to make it.

I found a bush that was dry underneath. I looked for any poison ivy or any other dangerous plants, and set Bella down. She started to cry, but I calmed her down by singing her lullaby. She fell asleep. I will try to keep my promise by returning to her.

I went to go find the police. But then I felt cold hands grabbing me and I felt excruciating pain on my neck. I screamed for help. But it was no use. Then darkness took over me.....

Hoped you liked it! :)

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