Chapter 7

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Aloha!  I'm so sorry I haven't updated for a while, and I feel so bad because you reached my goal, and I still haven't written :(  Will you guys forgive me?? Because I feel so bad, I'm giving you guys the next chapter for free, no vote challenge :)  (but I wouldn't say no 2 some votes anyway, if you're in a generous mood ;) 

THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO innocentdevil06 :)  FOR GUESSING HOW TANNER LEARNED HOW TO HACK!  you didn't get the whole thing right, but you got a big part of it!  That'll be important later....  SO ENJOY THE CHAPTER!!!!


"Will you stop messing around, and concentrate?  This is worth 70% of our grades, you know that right?"  I asked Tanner angrily, but he ignored me and continued his failed attempt at braiding my hair.

"Gosh, how do you chicks do all this braiding junk?  It's impossible!"  Tanner replied absentmindedly.  I smacked his hand away from my hair.

"Ever heard of personal space, buddy?"  I demanded menacingly, and Tanner grinned cheesily.

"Okay, so I looked, and there's been a lot of sightings of Rosewell all over the country."  I squinted my eyes, and thought for a second, before observing "It looks like she's headed West!"

Tanner's eyes skimmed the screen, and he announced "Wow, you're right.  You finally got something right for once!!!"

I punched him in the nose, and he groaned, holding his face in his hands and trying to not let his nose start bleeding.  "Really?  Hasen't anyone told you that violence is never the answer?"  he whined, and I smirked at him.

"Violence is always the answer."  I mimicked his voice, and he glared at me.

"So, they don't know if she's dead, or if she's just kidnapped?"  I asked, getting back on the subject.

"They don't know anything."  he sighed.  "For all we know, the witnesses could be lying, and she could be at her house right now, chilling on her couch and eating ice cream."

I groaned.  How could Mr. Buck assign two teenagers this case, when the entire CIA couldn't even figure it out?

"Mr. Buck must have hit his head on something, and gotten brain damage!"  I guessed.  "Because there's no way we're going to ever be able to figure this out!  We could work on this case until I'm a hundred years old, and we'd still be in the same place we started."

Tanner nodded his head in agreement, but he said sadly "Well, we have to try.  I say we get off the CIA's page, because they obviously don't know squat about this case."

I don't know why, but suddenly I started laughing.  I mean, who would have thought that one day we'd be working on the same case as the CIA?

Sadly, Tanner didn't see how funny it was, and he just stared at me like he thought I was a lunatic. 

That just made me laugh harder, and soon I was litteraly rolling on the floor, cracking up.  "Uh, Nikki, do I need to take you to the nurse or something?"  Tanner asked in a worried voice, and I shook my head, still giggling.

"Okaaay then...."  Tanner said, backing away from me slowly.

"I'm done laughing now."  I finally gasped out, and with a lot of effort, I managed to stop giggling.

"I think you need a little bit of rest."  Tanner suggested, and I nodded my head, my eyelids dropping.  I yawned, and I lay my head on my arms.

Suddenly, I realized how long I had been laughing, right in front of Tanner, and I groaned.  That was one of my embarrassing habits- when I got really tired, I started to get all giggly and hyper, and then I fall asleep right after.

I felt myself yawn.  "Oh no!"  I thought frantically.  "I can't fall asleep in the library!"  I tried to get up, but my legs wouldn't listen.

The last thing I remember before I drifted off to sleep was someone waving their hand in front of my face, whispering "Nikki!  Wake up!"

Tanner's P.O.V.

We had been talking, and then Nikki had suddenly started laughing.  I had stared at her in confusion, as she laughed and laughed.

"What the heck?"  I thought, as she fell onto the floor, still cracking up.  She had tears in her eyes from laughing so hard, and I couldn't help but chuckle at how funny she looked.  "Do you need me to take you to the nurse or something?"  I asked, and she shook her head, still giggling.

Just as I was about to make fun of her, or take a video of her laughing or something, she stopped giggling completely, and lay on the floor, her head in her arms.

I saw her pretty blue eyes closing, and that was when I started freaking out.

Her mouth opened, and she yawned, and then closed her eyes completely.  "Nikki!  Wake up!"  I begged, but she didn't answer.  She was breathing heavily now, and I could tell that she was asleep.

Great, so what was I supposed to do now?  I couldn't just leave her asleep on the floor of the library! 

After thinking for a bit, I reached down, and scooped her up into my arms.  She sighed in her sleep, and I grinned.  If only I could take a picture of her right now, practically drooling on my arm, I could use it for blackmail for the rest of her life!

I frowned, as I found myself thinking about how cute she looked when she slept.  No, I wasn't supposed to think things like that!  It would only put her in danger if I cared about her, even as just a friend.

I scowled, and held her farther away from me.  Besides, why did I need her when I could have any other girl in the school?

I finally reached her room, and I walked in without knocking, because I couldn't knock on the door or I might drop Nikki.

That one redhead chick, Rosie, was laying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.  Her head swirled around when she heard the door open, and her eyes popped open, as she saw Nikki laying in my arms.

She sprung out her bed and ran towards me, yelling "What did you do to her?  Is she dead?? You killed her!!!!" 

I chuckled, and answered sarcastically "Yes, I murdered her in the library, and then brought her corpse back to her room."

Rosie shook her head at me in disgust.  "You're a sick person, and when I tell the Boss, he's going to put you in jail forever!"  My eyes widened, and I stared at her, surprised.  She actually thought I was serious? 

I know I have a reputation as the Bad Boy of the School, but really, this was a little too far!

"Dude, I was kidding."  I explained, and she relaxed visibly.

"What happened to her?"  she asked, leaning over and looking at Nikki, who was curled up into a ball in my arms, fast asleep.

"I don't know."  I answered.  "We were in the library for English, and then she went all wacko on me and started laughing her head off.  Just when I thought it wouldn't get any wierder, she fell asleep on the ground!"

Rosie looked worried, and she demanded "Lay her down in her bed."

I walked over, and gently lay her down on the soft covers.  She rolled over in her sleep, a little smile on her face.  I had to tear my eyes away from her, and I forced myself to look at Rosie instead.  Dude, what was wrong with me lately?

Rosie had a little smirk on her face, as she looked at me and Nikki, like she knew something that I didn't know.

I scowled, and without a word, I walked out the door, forcing thoughts of Nikki out of my head.


Lol  I really liked writing that chapter :)  so remember, no vote challenge, but votes would still be appreciated ;)  (hint hint!)    Haha so hope you guys liked it! If you have any ideas or questions, just comment!

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