Chapter 1

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I knew I was going to have a bad day, from the second I rolled out of bed, and hit my head on my nightstand.  I groaned, and reluctantly opened my eyes.  I was meeted with the same sight I'd seen for the past three months, since I'd moved in with the Chanels.

Same light purple walls, fluffy white pillows, and expensive looking furniture.  So, to sum it up, it was a girly girl's dream, and my worst nightmare.  I guess I couldn't really complain, because the Chanels had agreed to be my foster parents.

I was used to the way foster parents worked, seeing as I'd been dragged to foster home to foster home since I was six months old.

I just wished that I didn't have to be stuck with a foster sister who'd been my worst enemy since the first day of kidnergarden.  Tess Chanel was your average stuck up rich girl, who got everything her little heart desired.

I couldn't stand that type of person, and I had let her know that.  Unfortanatly,  she hadn't taken it well, and we had hated eachother from that day.  Now, I had to stay in the same house as her, and I was pretty much forced to be her servant.

Oops, did I say servent?  I meant slave.

I pulled myself off the floor, where I'd still been laying, and after I threw on some clothes, I walked down the glass stairs, and into the large dining room, where the Chanels made us eat every meal.  I plopped down in one of the large chairs, and waited as I saw a maid bringing the breakfast platters fowards.

I smiled as I saw my piece of toast lay down in front of me, and I ate it up in about five seconds, still hungry afterwards.  But I knew that there was nothing I could do about it- I got a piece of toast for breakfast, and the other Chanels got whatever they wanted.

I was actually ok with that, though.  I mean, I'd been raised that way my whole life, and I'd rather have just a piece of toast everyday than turn into a brat like Tess.

Sure enough, as I was thinking this, Tess walked downstairs in her silk, diamond embedded nightgown, and snapped her fingers for the maids, as she sat down in the chair furthest away from me on the long table.

Immediatly, three maids rushed fowards, carrying platters full of omlets, pancakes, waffles, anything you could think of.

Tess took about one bite off of each plate, and then dumped the rest in the trash.  I felt my mouth watering at the thought of all that food, and I was seriously considering eating it out of the trash when Tess left, but I told myself that I should keep the dignity I had left.  No need to give Tess another reason to say that I was worthless scum.

Realizing that it was only minutes before the bus arrived,  I rushed outside, and saw that it was already pulling away.  I ran as fast as I could, sprinting after the bus for a whole block, until the old bus driver finally saw me in the rear view mirror.

By that time I was covered from head to toe in mud from running across the wet street, and gratefully, I climbed up the steps, sitting down near the back.  I heard Tess's group of friends (or as I called them, her minions), giggling and shrieking about nothing important, as usual.  I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, and instead I just turned and looked out the window.

Of course, nobody had remembered my birthday.  I'd never had somebody tell me happy birthday, because they all forgot about it.  The only reason I knew my own birthday, or even my own age, was because one time I'd seen my birth certificate, when my previous foster mom had her back turned.

I can still picture it in my head- it had said "Nicole Star" in large letters at the top, then it had said my birthday, and all my other information.  I had always loved to imagine that piece of paper, because it had proved that I was a person, too.  I had the same type of birth cerfificate as everyone else.

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