Chapter 32~*~ Recovery

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Authors note!

This is the last chapter! Are you think no it cant end well to be honest it isn't. There is *drum roll* a sequel! It will have more of Niall and Cassie, But also more of Harry. He gets a special lady now that him and swifty face arent together lovely!

I am so excited to write a second book! Enjoy!


Cassies pov~*~

It has been a week since mine and Nialls amazing wedding.

A week since my dad ws shot.

a week since we found out he had to stay longer in the hospital.

We can get through this. Me and Niall are going on our honeymoon in a few days to Canada. We are both super pumped. We are all packed but right now we are visiting my dad. He is alive breathing with tubes and he is able to speak. We are very grateful for everything except for the fact that we still don't know who that mystery girl is.

Jamie and his brother quinton were seen but they got away to fast for us to call the police. I really don't even understand how I got to this spot in my life that I am at right now. With leaving my mothers, meeting niall, being his girlfriend, to now his wife. We had be in a few accidents but that is all better now. My mother was locked up, we are now just watching out for jamie, that girl and really that is it that we know of so far.

"Casssiiieeee" Niall bragged on. I snapped out of my thoughts to him laughing and giving me weird faces, my dad looking at me worried. I chuckled and smacked Niall. "Ow" was all he said. "Well sorry, I didnt mean to blank out, what did I miss." I asked. Niall looked at me and chuckled again.

"Well love your dad has some news but you were to blanked out to notice." My dad said. Oh how I miss his sacastic ways. "I was saying that i was able to leave the hospital and now that is happening all the boys at the house there pulled some strings your luggage is already at the airport and you best have a safe trip go now you have 1 hour to beat traffic." He said straight out with a smirk. Me and Niall gasped wide eyed. "GO!" He shouted making me and Niall scramble out of the hospital room down the hall and out the door.

Paul was already at the suv waiting for us." Hey paul" Niall and I shouted in unison.He nodded and waved at us. We hoped in the back and we were off to the airport. Paul once we were there handed us our passports and secuirty escorted us to the gate we were meant to be at.

"Niall this is my first flight,"  said shakily. He chuckled. "You will be allright princess I will be with you in first class, it will be fun" He said. I nodded squeezing his hand in mine. We reached the gates with paps and fans screaming at us, nice and not nice comments. We wear seated and the ride took off. Canada here we come.


VEry very short, sorry but i am leaving for the weekend. Sequel coming out in a few days stay tuned.

Check out my out my other boooks~~

-I'll comefore you zayn malik fanfiction

-my life one direction fanfiction

if you can't tend to find these go to mywall and check them out.

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