Chapter 10- Forgive and second chances

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Okay sorry for the late update, i haven't been feeling to peachy. Plus sleep hasn't been my best friend, and by the time I actually get to sleep tonight it will be late. So I suppose I will do as many updates as I can. Enjoy this chapter and thanks for reading, voting, etc.!


Harrys POV~*~

It was 4 in the morning and there was knocking on the door downstairs. I opened my eyes to see Cassie was asleep beside me, she looked so peaceful, and angel even. There was another knock on the door, and I had finally got out of bed. I walked downstairs after turning on a few lights. I opened a door and a saw a sleepless runned down figure, and that was when my anger got to me. Niall.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I said a bit to harshly, but he deserved it after what he had done to Cassie.

He gulped and finally looked at me, "I really couldn't sleep without having her beside me, I have to say sorry, I have to make everything all better."


" I didn't mean to, Zayn called and said he liked Cassie as well, and I got mad and worked up, I began to walk back to Cassie and I ran into another girl, I didn't even notice how close we were getting." He suddenly found to floor to be amusing. I looked at him, I felt bad for the kid, but at the same time a hope he was ashamed for himself.

We heard sniffling to our right, and there was Cassie standing there, with tears in her eyes. I hope we didn't wake her, I also hope she didn't hear any of that. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her as she did the same, she snuggled into my chest as tears rolled down her cheeks and onto my bare chest. We pulled apart and she strolled over to where Niall was currently sitting and she put her hand on his shoulder. He looked up, and smiled as he saw her smiling.

"Don't ever let me ever, I mean ever catch you doing something so idiotic again, you hear me?" She asked sturnly. He nodded repeatedly. She pulled him up into a hug and kissed him. It hurt watching them like this, I still had the same feelings for her, and I didn't know when they would go away if they ever did. " This is your second chance don't mess up Niall" she said with a straight face on. He nodded hugging her into his chest and smiling and kissing her head.

"Well this was great. While you to snog in my kitchen I am going to go to bed." I said interrupting their moment. Cassie looked at me and walked over to me and pulled me into a loving hug. " Thank you Harry, I am so glad to have a friend like you that I can talk to. I really appreciate what you did for me. I love you'' She said in my chest as we continued to hug. I glarred at Niall giving him a 'don't wreck her heart again or so help me' look and he raised his arms in surrender.

Cassie pulled away as her and Niall walked hand in hand out of my flat.  I felt a pang to my heart as I walked up the stairs and layed back into bed. I pulled her covers over, layed in the same place Cassie did and fell asleep. ( sorry if that sounded creepy LOL :))

Nialls POV~*~

I have my princess with me, laying beside me snuggled into my chest asleep, and I still feel stupid for wrecking our first date. I decided to do it again. The perfect place, watching the fireworks, feeling the fireworks as we touch, and being together. With that thought i fell asleep.




Cassies POV~*~

I woke up and turned over to see Niall wasn't there, I didn't know where he was until I heard someone shout cursive words from down stairs. I shot out of bed and bolted down the stairs. When i reached the kitchen there was Niall laying on the floor licking dough off around his mouth with a bowl on his head. I walked over to him, swiped my finger along his face and licked my finger. MM pancake mix with cinnamon. So in otherwords Niall slipped and the pancake bowl landed on his head and got everywhere.

"Really Niall, You are sucha klutz" I said laughing so bad it hurt my stomache. He grunted in respose but eventually started to laugh along. "I sleep on a spatula" he said pointing to a spatula that was stuck to the roof with pancake dough on it.

We laughed even harder the we were rolling on the floor laughing. I finally contained my laughter as i was in tears and my sides hurt so bad. Niall helped me up, and then went upstairs to wash up. I cleaned downstairs. A few minutes later someones arms were wrapped around my waist. I began to giggle as I already knew who it was, and a minute later i was grabbed around my legs and thrown over Nialls shoulder. He was laughing while running outside along the patio. I saw the pool getting closer and closer, " NIALL DON'T YOUDARE THROW ME IN THE POOL!'' I shouted. He just laughed harder.

"Thanks princess I never would have thought of doing that till you mentioned it. Your a genius my love." With those words I got butterflies in my stomache, but snapped out of it quickly as I was tossed into the air and into a pool. I swam back up to surface and glarred and a laughing Niall. I held my arm up for help and when he grabbed it I pulled him in.

"Aweh i fell for that stupid trick!" he pouted. I swam to him and linked my arms around his neck, kissing him and pulling him away i dunked him under water. Without knowing I was pulled into the water by my feet. We both got back to surface laughing uncontrollably.


Thanks for reading this chapters




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