Chapter 21~*~ Party time

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Sorry for not updating but i truly wont be doing anything today as it is spring break and I am lonely till wednesday. I will finish this update, then vaccum my rooom then. *drum roll* update more!


Cassies POV~*~

It is official. Niall and I are officially engaged. He actually loves me, I still don't know how but he proved it to me. They set up an after party for me and him. It has been an amazing night. All of Nialls managment is here, my dad and stepmom and family is here, nialls family is here aswell, Harrys, zayns, liams, and louis are as well. All the girls are here and one of my best friends are here as well. Hailleei is here. OMG.

"Princess, earth to Cassie!" Niall chucked trying to get my attention. I hadn't realized her was trying to get my attention. I quickly snapped back to realit. "Hmm" I replied. He laughed, maybe I say I love his laugh. "Lost in thoughts, care to tell" He looked at me curiously. "Just thinking how amazing this night has been, how amazing you have been, and now instead of my boyfriend, you are my fiance. You are my best friend Niall, I love you so much" I said smiling, teeth showing. I grabbed his face between my hands and pulled him in the kiss me. He did so back.

"Well I have one more suprise for you," He said with a grin on his face.


about 10 different boys piled into the middle of the dance floor. "3,2,1 whooooooooppp!" Liam shouted. They all began to do this strange dance, some were doing a dance louis had made up during the xfactor, some where rowing like they did in 'kiss you' and others were pulling girls into dance with them. I was in a full on laughter. Iwas literally crying. I was just so happy.

They were almost done there dance when Everybody heard a glass shatter. Everybody was looking around, that was the moment when everything went dull, I began to fall onto the floor. Everybody was scattering around me, I honestly didn't know what was happening but I felt the sharpest pain in my head.

"CASSIE" I heard 5 familiar voices yell at me." OMG" There was 4 girls yelling. Eleanor, dani, perrie and Taylor. My head was lifted of the marble floor after it had smashed on the ground. Thats why it hurt besides from what else ever happened. Wait why does everything happen to m, to niall. Oh poor Niall is probably freaking.

I could hear sobbing coming from the left of me. I tried to open my eyes but I could. I squeezed whos ever hand was attached to mine.

"She is still alive she squeezed my hand" Was all I heard before everything blanked out and sirens were heard.

*A few hours later at the hospital*

Nialls POV~*~


We were all dancing, I was watching Cassie laughing at all of us you could see tears. I love watching her being this joyful and happy. We were about to finish until we heard glass shatter and at that moment I peared at Cassie you was falling. I ran as fast over to hear as I could, being there was a crowd. But it was to late. She smashed her head on the marble floor. I began to panic why does everything happen to me, and poor Cassie. I rushed over to her, and everybody from harry to zayn from Eleanor to taylor were all screaming and rushing over to were me and Cassie were.

There was ambulance and paramedics everywhere surrounding Cassie. I follwed them to the ambulance and hoped into it telling they lads and girls to follow behind if they were coming and to get her parents. they nodded and ran back into the building.

*end of flashback*

We have been here for nearly 1 month and cassie was still laying here asleep. She is in a coma. I began to so pyscho, I hate being away from her this long. I want to hear her laugh again, see her smile, kiss her, hug here, be with her. I want to marry her right now.

"go to sleep lad'Liam said rubbiong my shoudler I nodded and layed back on the chair. I immediatly felt my eyes shut close and darkness took over.


I woke up noticing Cassie was awake. I was overwhelmed that I went straight up to her and hugged and kissed her. I pulled away and she looked at my scared and confused. "Who ar you and why did you kiss me" she asked.

Oh no she doesnt.NOO!

"What do you mean I am Niall, your fiance, don't you remember anything."I asked tears brimming my eyes. She shook her head no and gave an apologetic look. "I am afraid I don't remember who you are" that was all she had to say before I broke down and ran out of the room crying. Liam and Harry stopped me before I could leave. "Mate whats wrong."They asked curiously.

I was shaking from crying but I managed to speak. "She doesnt remember who I am Not as her boyfrind, friend of fiance!" I shouted. I collapsed to the floor sobbing now. Harry and Liam had a stunned look and they dropped down and started to cry as well. Everybody knew exactly what happened and they were crying now to.

I can't believe she doesn't know anything anymore. She doesnt remember me, or our memories.

its over.


drama time next chapter

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