Chapter 2~*~ the wake up call

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Was i falling for this guy that i had just met today, no impossible even though he was being kind and caring i still just dont think i can be all lovey dovey with him so soon. We got closer to a large black SUV and when the door opened the area fell silent as if they had seen something, but clearly they were looking at me.

"NIALL WHO IS THAT, I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!" the striped shirt boy yelled pretending to cry into the curly haired boys shoulder. He just patted his head while giving me looks, not bad but kind of creepy looks. "no louis she is just a friend of mine she is staying the night with me okay boys" they all nodded in suspision. The boy with no hair introduced himself as Liam. Liam was kid of the attractive man, but from what i heard had a girl friend.  " niall who is this young lady?" liam questioned as i just starred at my feet suddenly interested in them. "Liam this is Cassie, she is a great friend of mine. Cassie, this is liam, louis ,haarry, and zayn over there." They all nodded and waved as there names were called out. I smiled a waved shyly back to them.

Niall helped me into the car, i sat between him and harry. Whenever Harry had looked down at me i could notice how niall had tensed up about it and i would look over reassuringly to niall and he would smile back at me and wrap is arm around my shoulder. I felt very safe and comfortable i went into a dark sleep.

It had felt like hours until i had woken up to someone or some people whispering around me. I could tell that one of them was louis because he was the only one whisper/yelling. " Boys, honestly i can get here into the flat," i could he the cute little irish accents around me. When i felt someones arms around my waist and under my legs lift me up bridal style and carry me outside where the wind snipped at my cheeks.

I little while after i had woken up to the sweet sweet smell of bacon and eggs. I followed the scent down the large spiral stair case and into and open area with a couch, tv and another area with a shirtless niall cooking food. I slipped onto the cahir at the table and just then he turned around glowing his body perfectly fit.

" Good morning beautiful how did you sleep love," he asked smiling large from ear to ear. " I slept very well thanks, you cook" i asked right as he burnt his finger on the pan. I rushed over helping him out pulling out vingar and a paper towel and put it onto his finger. He had a smile put you could tell he was in pain. I picked up his finger and kissed it lightly. "Better?" I asked with a smile. He nodded up and down looking like an idiot. '' why did you put vinegar instead of cold water?'' I looked up, and thought'' my mom taught me to do that, vinegar helps it not to blister, it will start to look like a bruise soon.'' He nodded and pulled me into a hug, while i just sat there comfortable and warm, but i looked at up at him, he was looking at me. '' what?'' i asked questionably. He shrugged,'' you have the most beautifulest eyes, probably best feature sorry second best to your personality," he whisper/yelled which had made me blush like crazy.

He slowly had started to close in the space between us, and i slowly started to do the same, but when we had foreheads against foreheads Mr, louis tomlinson barged in." AHHHH pda" he screamed. We both just giggled and i noticed we were both blushing. '' oh louis you and eleanor do it to,'' niall snickered. I just giggled and let the room. I was about to get into the room i was in when i had heard whispering from down stairs. '' honestly mate, i think i might be falling for her, i know we had just met but she is kind beautiful adoring and has one of the best personalities.'' i heard niall say with an almost honest and nervous to admit it kind of voice.

'' well mate do whatever your heart tells ya,'' louis replied. Niall liking a girl like me, someone who is an international popstar is falling for me,a girl who was abused by her mother. I dont even know if i like him, like i like him but as a friend. When i heard foot steps coming up the stairs i bolted the the bedroom. Niall came in shocked.'' sorry uh is this your room? i asked him nervously and shaky.

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