Chapter 16~*~Friends or not friends

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okay sorry for not updating quickr I was gone all weekend and forgot my computer at home. Well enjoy this chapter thanks!~~~~~~~


Nialls POV~*~

It was a new day, a better day we hope. Cassie didn't press charges on Harry, we finally got to go home as well as Harry. We had given all the information about what happened that day Cassie was taken from me, to the day she got back. Both Her, Harry, Liam, Louis, and I.

I am so glad she is back with me. I hope she knew how much I was trying to look for her. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Cassie was making funny faces trying to get my attention. I began chuckling. "Hey babe what are you thinking about? " she questioned raising one eyebrow. "Just think about the future, trying to forget the past, but it kind of keeps replaying in my mind." I frowned.

She looked down and a tear escaped her eyes. I wiped it away while pulling her onto my lap and gave her a kiss. " Princess it wasn't your fault this happened. It was my fault for not protecting you like I had prmised. I feel guilty for not kee[ing that promise and it scares me that you would leave me." I said feeling ashamed.

Cassie looked at me finally with pity, sorrow, and a mixture of emotions. "Ni, it isn't either of our faults that this happened to me, it was my parents and Harry's fault. You did and I know you did and tried all you could to find me and save me. Youmade me believe in you. You are my super hero, I would never leave you as long as you don't leave me for any reason. We are one and always will be. I love you for caring for me so much. You mean the world to me." It gave me hope that we could have an actual future after that speech she gave me.

I finally found the girl I have been looking for, the one I would marry, start a family with, be grandparents wit, and grow old together. Forever and always.

Cassies POV~*~

After my speech with Niall we decided to watch some television. We watched some spongebob and alittle bit of keeping up with the kardashians. Oh my does that show have alot of drama. I laugh at it all the time.

We turned on the news to see if there was any news about what happened. And there was. It terrified me. There was a picture of me leaving the hospital with Niall and Harry.

I was bruised and cut up, I looked horrible. I began to shake as they were announcing that this was all fake. That me being beaten to death was fake, to get on tv. How would the fucking know what happened.

Niall was looking at me rubbing my back. I few seconds later I was picked up bridal style and brought to Nialls room. He put me down on the bed and tucked me in. I felt behind me inch lower meaning Niall is in bed aswell.

We began rubbing my side where is was all bruised and hummed a tune that was relaxing. Niall fell asleep because he probably thought I was asleep to. I could here slight snorings that we cute and calming.

I was not tired well I was but my mind and thoughts weren't. I shut my eyes hoping I would fall asleep and I did with that.

*previous night around 2:39am*

(???) POV~*~

Me and George have been looking for hours for Harry and Cassie, but there was no luck. We had two places to check that they would probably be at so we must head there.

When we reached Harrys house the lights were off well probably because it was almost 3 in the morning. We checked a rock the front door causing the door to shatter we climbed through when all of a sudden a loud alarm began to go off. We sprinted to the door but it was to late.

Three police officers and 2 men dressed in black stood before us. Not again.

*Next day 5:21 am*

Cassies POV~*~

I was woken up with the sound of my phone blaring 'shes not afraid' by the one and only one direction. I reached over to see harry was calling. It better be important. I answered the phone.

*Phone call starting with Cassie*

Hello harrry

Cassie they were arrested


Your parents they were arrested


my house around 3

really oh that is such great news

oh i know

well now what

well i guess I will let you get back to sleep

Okay thanks

Your welcome and thank you Cassie

for what

Not pressing charges


*End of phone call*

Me and Harry chatted alittle while longer and ended the phone call with good mornings. I couldn't sleep now know that my parents were arrested, so instead i carefully got out of bed and walked down stairs. i looked in the fridge and grabbed eggs, bacon and potatoes.

I began to cook everything when I heard someone walking towards from behind me. I turned around knowing it was Niall and it was.

I walked up the rest of the way and pulled him into a huge hug and a sweet kiss on the cheek. He gave me a smirk before grabbing my hand and walking over to the stove with me. I dished him up a huge plate of food as well as my self turned everything off and went to sit at the table.

"good morning princess." He said while chewing on a piece of bacon.

"Good morning Ni, So my parents were arrested this morning at harrys house" He put down his food and smiled. He began to stand up and walk over to me. I stood up as he ingulffed me in a hug. "I am so happy for you princess, now I can really protect you"

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