Chapter 26~*~ accidents

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Okay so I am dedicating this chapter to littlemix16 because she has a username wiuth my favorite girl band and because she volunteered to make my story cover. tahnks so much


Nialls pov~*~

Cassie was unconsious and the only thing that I could do was pray to god that she would live.

Paramedics came over to my side but i yelled at them to go and get Cassie first. There was a scary amount of blood pooled around her. "Cassie I love you baby. Stay with me please. I havent even married you yet" I set tears flowing down my head. It took them 5 minutes to removed the car door and then a few minutes more to remove cassie and put her into the ambulance. A few more paramedics came over to my side and it was the most pain because they were putting me in a neck brace and i think my arm was broken because i winced and yelped in pain as the roled me into th eambulance as well.

"Miss can you call my friends and My fiances dad please." She nodded taking my phone and began to make the calls.

"Sir you are losing alot of blood from a gash to your side we are going to put a mask over your mouth that will knock you out so we can patch it up. It will hurt alot if your awake." I nodded and a mask was placed over my face and I was out instantly.

Harrys pov~*~

Me and louis were in a very intense staring contest but was interupted by my phone going off. I saw the id was niall

*phone call starting and ending with harry*

"hey niall"

"hi sir the is the emergency respond paramedic. Your friends Niall and CAssie were is a very large car accident."


"well they were hit by a larger truck on there way to were your located. Niall has large injuries but cassie has gotten it worse. They are both being transported to the local hospital."

"okay thank you so much we will meet them there"

*end of call*

"LADS WE HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL NIALL AND CASSIE WERE IN AN ACCIDENT" I shouted while grabbing the keys. The boys and Cassies dad all ran into the suv.

*5 minutes later*

Louis POV~*~

We had arrived at the hospital and there was fans and paps all around the car. We rushed out of the car and into the hospital. HArry bolted to the receptionist ddesk. "Niall Horans room please" She nodded. "Room 45b 12th floor" We thanked her and began to run to the elevator. Cassies dad was next to run to see cassie.

We got up to the floor and began frantically searching for room 45b. It felt as if we had just gone into circles until we found it. A nurse around mid 20s was walking out holding a clip board. "miss. Is niall alright." SHe looked up startled by Zayns outburst. "Are you family or friends?" She asked calmly. Liams spoke" we are his band mates." She nodded. "He is asleep right now, lost alot of blood and has a broken arm. he should wake up soon though.

3rd person pov~*~

I frantically searched for cassies room but when i founded a doctor was walking out. "Doctor is my daughter okay please oh god say yes." She looked down at her board again. "She is in a coma but you are welcome to go in there i will be right back with more information." I nodded walking into the room.

My poor little girl layed there casted up and her arm and leg. She looked so helpless, so lifeless. Shortly after the doctor came back in with a different board and began to speak." You daughters results came back in. She has one broken arm and leg 4 broken ribs, and sir did you know she had a brain tumor" I shook my head no ove rand over tears flaling down my cheeks again.

"well the cause of this was awhile back, she came in before with muerous bumps and bruises. do you know what happened?" she asked and i shook my head no again.

* ! week later*

Liams pov~*~

It has been a weke and both Niall and Cassie havent woken up yet. We had to cancel 2 concerts. I nurse came out with a smile on her faqce." Hi lads your friend is awake and is requesting you all. You may go visit now." We all jumped up high fiving and walking to the room. "Oww Zayn dont flick people" Louis shouted. We all snickered. We walked into the room finding niall watching soccer on the teley. "Hi mate how are you feeling." HArry asked. "I felel alright i have really cool scratch on my side and a broken wrist but that is all. How is cassie doing"

We all looked down at our feet. "She isnt dead is she lads." Zayns head shot up." No No mate she is uh just in a coma." He said while scratching the back of his head. Niall threw the blanket over him and swung his feet over the bed. He winced at the pain.

Nialls pov~*~

I winced in pain as I tried to stand up. "LAd dont move dont worry her dad is with her" I relaxed after i heard that. I nodded, "can you guys go get him for me please I need to have a word with him." Before they could leave Cassies dad walked in."Hey you guys I have some information. Cassie is uh in a coma, with 1 broken wrist and foot, 4 broken ribs, and uh a uh brain tumor because of her mother" He said sobbing and sniffing again. Ii sniffed and began to cry as well as the others. "I am so sorry this wouldnt have ahppened if I was watching the road sir, I am so so sorry." Cassies dad engulfed me in a hug. " I am so glad to call you my son in law Niall."

Shortly after that talk a doctor came rushing in pulling Cassies dad out.

Cassies dads pov~*~

"sir uh we have some really bad news. Your daughters heart failed because of to much blood I am so sorry for you loss. They are doing all they can to fix her and get her back to you but there is only so much they can do." With that they left and I collapsed on the floor in a fetal postion.

My poor girl she is gone out of my life. I felt someone grab my shoulder.

"Hey sir you alright is Cassie alright." I looked up to see zayn. "No she she she is dead her heart stopped." Now we were both crying and zayn went to tell the other lads except Niall.

Nialls pov~*~

Zayn came in crying and ushered the other lads out of the room leaving me.

I was beginning to become really worried. Liam walked in crying and walked over to me. "Uhm *cough cough* mate I am so so sorry. Uhm Cassie she is uh her heard stopped" He said sobbing again. It took a while to process what he had said before I snapped."GET OUT NOW!" I shouted at liam. He looked taken back but i didnt care. He left me in the room alone and that was when I lost it. I cried and cried and cried.

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