chapter 6- finally. nightmares.

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Okay so last chapter i am not sure how that went. But i am uploading for the 3rd time today way to go me.!


Cassies pov~*~

I heard the most amazing voice, the same beautiful voice i heard the night the accident happened. What oh oh no niall! I felt someones hand in mine, i started to panick even more. Wait hold on a minute i am thinking to myself. I try to force myself awake now, and i squeeze who ever hand is in mine. " Cassie, cassie are you there, cassie i felt you squeeze my hand. Its me niall. I need you now.'' I heard him sobbing, that moment gave me hope to open my eyes which i had managed to do. I started to panick, and whinced at the bright room i was in. I started to look around, and to my right there was niall. My hand still in his, but he didnt look human. His eyes were puffy and red, still in a hospital gown. "n n niall." I stuttered out.

He shot up his head as quickly as he got, i qouldnt be suprised if he had gotten whip lash. " Cassie oh princess im so glad you woke up. I couldnt handle you being like that. I. I.. I missed you so much." He studdered and sobs still. I moved over as much as i could and patted a spot beside me signalling for him to come lay beside me. He did as i ask, And we just layed there and cuddled. I was warm but my head pounded and my arms ached and my ribs to. The doctor had came in witha suprised shock on her face.

"Oh Dear your up, im glad, how are you feeling?" She asked me. She seemed to be a nice lady. " Uhm I feel alright, slight head pain and arms are sore and ribs hurt like crazy." I said honestly. "Well you have 1 broken rib, and bruised arms and scratches, and you hit your head numerous times." Do you remember how?" She asked me. I Honestly couldnt remember but then i looked at niall who looked pain and i remember sort of what happened. " Um I remember i was in a dream and then me and niall both woke up to a loud crash for downstairs. He had taken the chance to go downstairs, I sat upstairs and waited for him to come back. And uh I heard him scream in pian," I began looking down with a few tears coming out.

Niall rubbed my back reassuring and i continued. " Then i began to call the police and when i got downstairs i * gulp* i had seen niall laying on the floor with a knife in his stomache. I reported to the police what happened and to hurry. I had seen who had done it and began to run up the stairs. Someone had grabbed my ankle and uh pulled me down the stairs. I guess that is how i hit my head." I tensed as niall teared and looked over at me. " And i remember that i was being hit alot and niall was trying to help me but couldnt so he called i dont know who and i heard sirens and shouting. Niall was carried out and the police arrested the people who did this. I began to blank out when i had seen the rest of the boys." I managed to finished sobbing now.

I could see that both Niall and the doctor were in tears as they had heard my story. Just then i looked at the door and there was 4 pained looking boys with puffy eyes standing there starring at me. " Cassie could you tell me who was the one that did this to you. " I gulped and to a few deep breathes before announcing" My parents". Niall and the boys had gasped and the doctor looked shocked aswell.

Nialls pov~*~

Her parents. The ones that abbused her and came back for her. How could they do something like tis to her, she is perfect and doesnt need anything like this. I looked at everybody including the boys' faces shocked and poained to hear the story of how we got here. I looked to cassie and saw she was crying. I pulled her to my side and whispered " There gone and i wont let them hurt you ever again you understand me. You are with me so i will protect you with everything i have in my body." She looked at me and gave a sincere smile. Finally a hug, " Thank you Niall that means so much, but i dont want you to get hurt, i dont want any of you do get hurt. You have already done so much for me. I honestly-" I interrupted her with a kiss. Yes a kiss the one i wanted to give to her when i met her, once i had seen how beautiful, carefree and opained she was. She was a perfect angel. We pulled away realizing everybody was still in the room. We heard awes coming from everybody and both our faces went as red as a tomato thats for sure.

It has been over alittle week now, and Cassie was finally able to leave the hospital. We are all so relieved, and now the thought of my flat being decorated with flowers that everybody had gotten the both of us. I looked over in the passanger seat to see cassie shaking her head in a dancing motion, with a whitening smile that i have missed every so much, i decided to turn up te radio and start to sing.

'if i could take away the pain

and put a smile on your face

baby i would

baby i would'

I shouted as if i was a little girl singing i would by justin bieber. I could her Cassie laughing that her face turned red, but im guessing that it was at me. We had pulled up infront of my flat and i quickly walked around to help cassie out of the van, '' Niall its alright i can do it, im pained but not that bad.'' She said hobbeling to the front door. Not in much pain my butt i can see her wince when she moves. She had gotten it pretty bad, but i dont get why they would come after her again and how they found out where i was. It was about 11"35 pm when we got home and i was all tuckered out. '' Cassie want to go to bed, you look as tired as i probably do.'' She nodded and began to get up but i scooped her up bridal style and carried her into the bedroom. She was giggling and blushing and that is what i had missed all those times. I tucked her into bed and climbed in beside her, wrapping my arms around her and hummed a tune and fell asleep when i knew cassie wasnt awake.

Cassies pov~*~

* cassies nightmare*

' NO CASSIE I WAS STABBED TWICE NOW!' niall shouted at me and i winced at the tone and rage in his voice.

" Niall please dont leave me, I thought you promised to protect me" i cowardly replied back to a very very angry niall. "NO I HAVE A LIFE AND I DONT WANT TO BE INJURED IN IT ANYMORE. I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH YOUR CRAP ANYMORE NOW GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND DONT EVER COME BACK OR ALK TO ME AGAIN" he shouted and his words cut through me like a knife.

* back in life*

' NO, No NO NO No, Niall please please dont leave me niall dont do this to me im sorry" i stirred in my sleep and woke up with someone shaking me to wake up. I panicked but slowly calmed down as it was just niall. ' Shh Cassie its alright im not leaving ever, I promised are you alright though?" he asked with soothing calm words. I couldnt get anywords out so i just nodded my head in a reply.

We layed back down, but i knew Niall wasnt fully convinced that i was alright so i asked him' Can you sing me to sleep i love hearing your voice" He chuckledbut did as i asked.

'They dont know about the things we do ,

they dont know about the i love yous,

but i bet if they only knew,

they would just be jealous of us.'

and with that i was fast asleep.

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