Chapter 13~*~Least will I forgive you

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Last night was the most painful experience I have ever faced. I have a huge gash along my arm, sadly from Harry. His eyes looked like they were full of guilt, like he didn't want to do it. Like he was being forced against his own will do to it. I don't think I could ever forgive him, but I guess I could always give him a chance to explain what he had done. Besides that my back ached from being beaten. I doubt Niall is looking for me, but at the same time he might be. He broke his promise, but my parents would hurt him if he had tried to help me. I couldn't bare to see him in pain. I heard the door hit the wall snapping me out of my thoughts. It revealed 3 people I hates the most. My parents and Harry.

It twists my stomache to find him standing there with them. He looked at me with guilt and regret. I felt sorry for him, but I didn't at the same time.They all walked forwards to me and I was grabbed by the hair. Really the hair why not the arm. I winced at that action," Hit her in the stomache harry" My mother snapped. He looked at me then my parents back at me. "NOW!" they both shouted at him. He looked at me with eyes that could say 'I am so sorry please forgive me'. But it was to late to say anything because of the sharp impact that went to my stomache.The impact made me throw up.

The next hit after the next, I knew for sure I had a black eye and busted lip. My stomache ached, and I had more scratches on my arms. I winced at every move that I had made. " We are leaving you little bitch, Harry watch her and don't let her leave and if you do remember what I said I will hurt you, your little friends and kill her" My stepdad spat. My parents out of everybody I knew my parents. Thank You god for what ever i did to piss you off.

After they left the room we heard the front door slam shut. Harry looked at me and walked over. I winced and began to back up. I was waiting for the hurt he was going to give me.

"I wont hurt you Cassie, I am truly sorry I have to do this, They threaten me and the boys lives." I looked at him and I actually believe him. His phone began to go off. He looked at it and cursed under his breathe. " Her she is You have 1 minute." he passed me the phone and I managed to choke out. "Hello".

Nialls POV~*~

"hello" Oh what a relief it was cassie. " Hey princess I am so glad your alive, we are doing everything we can to find you and I promise we will. I am so sorry I broke your promise I will make it up to you after we find you. Are you hurt? Did harry do anything to you?" I said with anger in my voice. "Harry has no choice Niall. He is forced. I love you and Thank you I forgive you" I heard static on the other line and began to panic.

" Niall I am so sorry, I really am not meaning for this to happen. It is either this or we all get hurt." I began to freak. I was going to go ballistic.

" Try not to hurt her anymore, we will disscuss this when we get to her, because I am guessing you can't tell." I responded." Actually I have no clue in hell of where we are." He said honestly. I began to throw things curssing. "Just don't hurt her"." I got to go there back bye I will keep her safe." and with that he hung up. Shit!

harrys POV~*~

" Im sorry I will figure everything out" I said to cassie as she gave me a death glare. "HARRY!" clearly her mother. Such a bitch. I went downstairs to find them putting knives, guns, handcuffs and other stuff on the table. She passed me the handcuffs. " go put that garbage in the basement and lock her up" she said smirking.

I nodded and walked back over to Cassie. She was shaking. " Get up I have to lock you downstairs.I am sorry but it is what I have to do." She got up nodded and I took her by the arm that I didn't slice open.

We walked over to were her parents where and they walked up and smacked her. It pained me to see that. We walked down the stairs and it was dark except for one candle. I chained her up to a metal pool sticking out of the ground. She could still slide out of it though.

She looked at me in confusion." We are getting out of her wait till night and I will come and get you once I leave dont move they thing I locked you up good understand" She nodded and I got up and left.

I got back up stairs and sat on the couch. " Harry I am so glad you listen so well." her stepdad said to me. I looked at him in disgust. " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT LOOK FOR LITTLE BASTARD"He shouted. I stood up and walked over to him.


It maked me ache in pain. I looked down to see a bloody knife in his hand. ( I am going to start to say george and that will be her stepdads name).

I was thrown down the flight of stairs into the basement. " DONT YOU EVER TALK LIKE THAT AGAIN YOU HEAR ME SON" George had yelled. I winced as the door was slammed shut. I heard someone walking towards me remembering that I didnt tie cassie up very good. I saw a light getting closer. "I found this in the corner" she said while holding up a larger candle.

"let me see" She said while lifting up my shirt to see where i was sliced. "It doesn't look deep at all but it will hurt." I nodded. " Will you forgive me. I understand I hurt you but i was protecting everybody else." She looked at me and shook her head. " I dont know well at least not yet."

I looked away disappointed. I knew that she would never forgive me. It was beginning to get alte and I searched the whole basement to find on window. It was large enough fo rus to crawl through. I saw it was pitch balck meaning it was about midnight. I rushed to Cassie and pulled her up. " I find our way out lets go."

We immediatly bolted to it and i Hosted up first so I could pull her up which i mianged to do with only hurting her abit." lets go but stay quite" I whispered to her. She nodded and we began to run as fast as we could. We made it to a road and took a left. We ran straight down the road until we seen a few lights in the distance."look over there" I said to Cassie. We had taken a quick break and began to run again. He were almost there when the sun started to rise.

We finally got to where there was lights. It looked like it might have been. London. As in london, england. We used to be all the way in the states.

Cassies POV~*~

We were In london. Freaking london, England. I am seriously freaking out. Harry grabbed his phone out of his pocket and began dialling someones number. " hey mum can you grab me in London, at starbucks please and hurry" with that he ended the call and we walked over across town looking horrible.

We finally got to starbucks and sat there. "finally" I managed to get out. I was still trying to catch my breathe. "I have to call Niall." he nodded while passing me his phone.

It rang once when Niall picked up." Harry whats wrong is she hurt". I worried about how bad his voice sounded. He sounded like he had been crying. "Niall Hun, We got out. I want you to come to london with all the boys and  I guess meet us at his mums." I heard him get up. "Cassie oh thank god we are on our way I promise.I will see you soon. I love you and I am so so happy your safe." I thanked him and told him I loved him.

We hung up and that was the moment when Harrys mum pulled up. She walked into the cafe and noticed us. She looked horrified, like she had seen a ghost. She ran over to us and pulled us both into a hug.

We got to her house and harry showed me the room I would be staying in. It was Navy blue walls and smelled wonderful, like a pine forect. "Here lay down and I am going to go wash up you rest for a bit." I nodded and instantly fell asleep.

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