Chapter 14~*~ Yours safe

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Thanks for reading and again deidicated to Taylor!


Harrys POV~*~

Once Cassie was in bed I walked downstairs to see my mom crying. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. "I am so sorry harry" mum said. "It isn't your fault but I do have to leave and deal something out with Niall, can you keep a really good eye out on her?" I asked. She nodded her head and I walked over and grabbed my phone and walked to the park.

I dialed Niall up and he answered on the first ring. "Harry where are you?" he said alittle happier but anxious. "The park, and Cassie is sleeping at home and my mum is watching her we need to talk." I finally said. "Alright mate be there in 15" and with that he hung up.

*!5 minutes later*

I had seen Niall walking into the park, he looked miserable, but better then I assume before. "hey Niall>" I said casually. He growled at me,"Don't I want her back with me you got that. I understand you got her out safely but you still hurt her.Why?Why would you do something like that to her?"

I hesitated." I was protecting all of us, her parents came to my flaat and threatened me that if I didn't help hurt Cassie they would hurt each one of us and kill Cassie" I finally got out. I took a second before looking at his expression.Horrified, guilty, scared.

"I am so sorry mate, I really didn't want to hurt her, I care as much for her as you, I apologized to her as well. I can understand that you probably won't forgive me, but I really don't want this to effect the band and the other boys" I said truthfully. He looked down but instantly back up. "Harry, I want to see her, we can't forgive you, and you will have to earn our trust again, but I do believe you abouther parents." That gave me just enough hope as we began to walk to my house.

Nialls POV~*~

After mine and Harry's chit chat we headed over to his house. I was anxious, curious but more so afraid. I did break her promise, but I was afraid for what she looked like. I would love herr anyways, but what happens if she just isn't the same anymore. I could live with that but I dont want us to be distant. We walked into Harry's flat and I was greeted by his mum with a hug. "Where is Cassie?" I asked her, not to harshly but strict.

She lead me into harry's guest room, smart choice. There she was laying there and she looked broken, scared, exhausted. Not like how I left her. I walked over to her and sat in the chair beside holding her hand in mine. I began to sob.

"Harry lets leave them" I heard his mum whisper. I suppose they walked away because i heard the door squeak shut. "Cassie Babe, I am so sorry, I don't know if your in a deep in enough sleep or not but hear me out. I love you. I will get extra security, You will come everywhere with me, I won't let you out of my sight.", I sighed and contiued.

"You may have all these cuts and bruises, and some scars, but I wont judge you in anyway. You are still flawless and brave, and perfect. I wont hurt you I wont let harry hurt you. Me and you together. We can get married, have kids, buy a house together, move to a warmer place anything you want. As long as we are together."

Cassies POV~*~

'As Long as we are together' I heard Nialls voice, and I felt someones hand in mine. I attemted to give it a light squeeze but didn't have the energy. I began to open mouth but it was  dry. I thought to flutter my eyes open, and with alittle force they opened.

I looked around the room and it was really bright. I squinted as the sun attacked my eyes. I turned over to my left to see Niall sitting there sobbing while mumbling something. 'its all my fault' I felt a guilt wave wash over me.

I took a big gulp of air before finally managing to speak. "N N Niall," and i began to cough. Ouch. He shot his head up, and looked horrible. Like he had been crying non-stop. "Cassie of babe your awake. Im so sorry this is all my fault this happened to you."|He panicked. I calmed him down by pulling his lips to mine. I haven't done that in awhile.

"Niall, It isn't your fault my parents are psycos, and please don't ever blame yourself for what happned. YOU tried to find me, but I got help to get out in time. It could be worse then what I look like now. I could be dead if it weren't for Harry." I explained.

He looked down ashamed.I felt horrible. I felt sore. I felt insecure all of a sudden. " Come and lay with me, just be careful." he nodded and climbed in with me. He started to chuckle. I looked up at him in confusion. "what?". His respond made me laugh as well. "You smell like dirt." I began to chuckle but I quickly stopped and winced in pain.

"Love are you okay let me see" he said while lifting my shirt up. His face said it all. He looked horrified, mortified and anything that ends with fied. "Cassie, we need to take you to the hospital, this is really bad" he said while carefully rubbing it with the tips of his fingers. It did kind of tickle. I agreed but before that I went to have a shower in the guest bathroom.

The water stung when it clung to my skin. I had wounds from gashes on my lip, arms, forehead, and legs, to bruised arms, legs, stomache, back. I wouldn't doubt if anything was broken. Once I was finished I steped out and looked in the full mirror on the door. I was struck. It was like another pang of whatever it was that hit me. I was ugly. I was beginning to be so insecure. These will leave the worst scars ever.

I changed into sweats and a baggy sweater. I only felt comfortable in those. We walked out to Harry's mums car that she lent us, me Niall and harry all hoped in. It was a very tense ride. When we got there harry and Niall hopped out. Niall rushed over to my side as harry walked alone with his head hung low. He looked horrible. Tired , beaten. But not nearly as much as I was. We all got into the hospital doors and nurses rushed over to us.

"Oh dear lord, hun what happened." The nurse asked. Niall spoke up." She needs to get check out by a doctor and so does this lad." He said looking at harry. He remained in the exact same postion as when we got here.

I got into my room with Niall beside me, and right then the doctor rushed in. " Hi Mr.Horan, Miss." He looked at me. "you look like you have been in quite the tussle." He joked but I just hung my head low. "Uhm doctor can I speak to you for a moment alone." Niall asked. I gave a reassuring nod so he could explain what happened. They both left and I was there alone. I began to become scared of being alone. Scared my parents would find me. I wonder if they even noticed yet.

??? POV~*~

'' GEORGE WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY!'' I shouted from the basement. George rushed down the stairs and began to hit somethings and throw things. Probably extremely pissed. "That rotten fuck child!' I stammered. We ran up stairs and began to search the house..

Nialls POV~*~

Me and the doctor walked back into the room Cassie was in and she looked frightened. I rushed over to here and held her hand and rubbed the top of it with the pad of my thumb. The doctor spoke up, " I had called the Police, they are going to come her and ask you some questions but for now we are going to take you to xrays to see if anything is broken." And with that they left. I was worried. But I walked over to see harry.

When I walked into his room, he was getting stitched up on his stomache. Wow that his a huge gash. I began to feel horrible that he got that from saving her. I felt alittle better for what he had done for her. "Hey lad, how is it going?" He just kept his head in his hands.

"I can't deal witht his you have to know the story" He said

I began to worry and become extremely curious.


Cliff hanger

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