Flashback: Meeting Ace

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And so we head back to ten years ago in Foosha Village in the East Blue. We arrive there not long after Shanks and his crew have left, leaving behind Luffy and Akari dreaming about their future life as pirates. Except this day isn't going to be like the ones before it. Today their lives are going to change forever.

I break into a sprint before launching into a cartwheel, some kind of front flip, and then a handstand before collapsing to the ground in a giggling heap.

Ever since Luffy and I promised to meet Shanks out on the sea one day when we're great pirates, I've started to do some tumbling in my front yard to gain some strength and endurance. I've also started to run around a lot more than normal to make sure the next time someone tries to grab me I can get away this time. I know that I'm reaching good speeds when I can outrun our dog without any trouble.

Luffy's doing his own kind of training with trying to learn about his newfound rubber abilities. It's not as easy as what I'm doing, but I know that he's working hard with all the ideas swirling around in his head. I am always impressed when he shows me his new moves even if they don't quite work the way he wants too. He's not only motivated by the promise he made to Shanks, but he's told me multiple times that he never wants me to be in harm's way without knowing he can protect me ever again. It makes me know that I picked the right person to be my best friend.

"Well look who it is giggling in the grass," Garp's voice shocks me out of my daydreams. "Hey kiddo, how's my favorite girl?"

I pop up onto my feet in a second, looking around before spotting Garp standing at the end of the pathway that leads up to my house. "Grandpa Garp!" I happily call out before rushing towards the man.

He's wearing an all-black suit with sick grey buttons on his shirt that remind me of his official Marine uniform, so this must be like a casual Marine approved outfit for his outing here today. Not only a surprise visit, but one he doesn't make often.

I leap into his arms that he holds out for me, feeling such a comfort and protection in his arms that I don't feel with many other people. "Am I really your favorite girl?"

Garp cradles me in one arm, using his free hand to gently poke my stomach a few times to get the giggles rolling. "Of course you are. I'd never lie to you about that."

"What brings you to Foosha this time?" I slightly tilt my head to the side.

"I hear that you and Luffy have been up to some trouble with a certain red-haired pirate that left town not long ago."

"You mean Shanks? I don't think any trouble was because of us! It was those stupid mountain bandits that were causing all the trouble," I puff out my cheeks as I pout.

"Still, you shouldn't have been hanging around with a pirate to begin with. Haven't I told you they aren't to be trusted?"

"Well, Shanks wasn't anything like what you've told me about pirates! He was really nice to everyone until Luffy and I were in trouble. Then they acted like how you've described, but if they didn't, horrible things would have happened to Luffy and I! Plus, the only think Shanks and his crew did wrong was get a bit too drunk a little too often, but my daddy does the same thing sometimes, and they acted a lot better than he normally does."

Garp grimaces for a split second before chuckling, "Okay, I don't think I'll be changing your mind anytime soon, but just know that I have seen a lot more pirates out on the seas than you have. As long as you aren't thinking about becoming on in the future like my idiot grandson, then I think we'll be fine."

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