Jumping Ship

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"No! Luffy!" Nami screams as the two of us rush over to the edge to look over at him.

"Don't worry about us, captain!" I call after him. "Wait, hold on, is that the bird horse!?"

"That's..." she slaps the side. "It is Aisa and Pierre!"

A little girl with tiny wings riding on the back of the Sky Knight's horse are right below us as if they've been falling us since we broke free of the cave.

"They were in the snake with you?"

"So, that's the little voice I kept hearing," Eneru muses.

"Damn it!" Luffy roars. "Put up a fair fight!"

"Luffy! I'll save you!" Aisa cries out as Pierre dives for the boy.

"How annoying," Eneru jumps up onto the sidewall. Lightning sparking from his entire body. "Your attempts are futile."

"Aisa! Pierre! Watch out!" I scream. "He's going to try and shoot you down!"

"Watch out!" Nami adds.

"ENERU!" Luffy explodes with anger.

"El Thor!" Eneru grins as he sends a large bolt right at the three, causing all kinds of rock debris and clouds to rain down on them as they completely disappear from sight.

"Luffy! Aisa! Pierre!" Nami cries out, but they are gone. Her face crumpling into sadness.

"No, no, no, no," I shake my head, refusing to believe that Luffy is no long here to fight this damn man. My head falls, and the straw hat shifts down to hide my eyes that want to shed tears.

Eneru laughs, "That was a close call, but this is how it ends."

Nami and I instantly break out of our sorrow, snapping around to glare at the asshole.

"The Ark Maxim is shipping out. Despite all the crying and screaming, this country can no longer be saved."

"If I have to hear him laugh one more time, I am going to lose it," I grumble.

"I'm sorry that I dragged you up here," Nami sighs. "I didn't want you to go get yourself killed, and the only way I could make sure you didn't was by dragging you with me. I thought this would be better. I'm not sure anymore."

"I'm glad that you dragged me here, but now I don't know what we're going to do. Luffy was truly the only one among us who could do damage. Gah, I hope he's okay."

"The fact that you still worry about him," she shakes her head. "You're an angel, Akari. A true angel in this world."

I shrug, "I think I get it from my mom."

"What is it?" Eneru flops down into his throne and looks over at us girls. "Be happy. You two survived. Forget about those who are no longer with us. The two of you must desire a future for yourselves."

"A future I desire?" Nami questions. "Yes, I have one."

"I have one as well, but if we go with you, it will be like throwing that future away," I push the straw hat up.

"We might as well be completely alone if we go with you. Even if we are together, there's no fun in just the two of us getting all that we desire if it is just the two of us."

"There are plenty of things that I want to do, but they all involve the people around me that I love."

"And there are countless things that I want, and that will never change."

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