Nightmare Luffy!

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"Hey!" Oars snaps as his body returns to normal. "Come on, master! This is my fight! Let me drive!"

Moria laughs, "Sorry! I didn't intend on interfering. I'll simply focus on assisting from now on! Now crush every single one of them, Oars!"

Zoro looks around before rushing right for Oars.

"It's dangerous if you go near him, Zoro!" (Walk Point) Chopper warns.

"Hey!" Nami asks as Usopp steps up to us girls. "Where's Luffy!?"

"You saw him after we were separated?" I glance over at the boy.

"I did," Usopp nods. "He went off on his own and got tricked by Moria. I don't think he's defeated yet."

"What!?" Nami blurts out. "He can't be that stupid! No offence, Akari!"

"None taken!" I flash a smile. "I don't think that Luffy's stupid, so that's all that matters for me."

"Wait, don't tell me that we have to beat the Luffy zombie and then beat Moria before we can get the shadows?" She groans, "The sun will be up before that happens!"

"That what the enemy is after, so we don't have a choice!" Usopp shouts.

"Pardon me for boning in, but I think I have an idea!" Brook crawls over to us.

"Oh, instead of butting in, since he doesn't have a butt," I mumble.

"Ah!" Nami exclaims. "Skeleton! I didn't know you were here too!"

Brook laughs, "I need you to send me at Oars using the slingshot you used earlier, but this time will be different. I'll be spinning and electrified."

"Are you insane, Brook!?" Usopp exclaims. "You saw what happened to Franky!"

"It'll be simple enough to do, if you're sure," Robin says.

"I'm not going to be held responsible for this!" Nami says. "But if that's what you want, I'll help!"

"Just be careful!" I add.

We quickly get to work placing Brook into the slingshot as Robin creates a rope of Devil Fruit arms to spin him and Nami forms a ball of electricity.

"Dark Cloud Tempo!" Nami declares a dark cloud snapping with electricity shoots out of her Clima-Tact to hang in the air.

"I didn't think I'd have to use the Stag Beetle Sling again!" Usopp grunts as the two of us pull it back as far as it will go.

"I guess the good news is that you're already dead, so it can't get any worse for you," I grimace.

Brook chuckles, "That's a good one! I know the risks, just do it! There is nothing more mortifying than being unable to repay my debts! I'll fight to the last bone to help you! Alright, let go!"

Usopp and I release our hold on the slingshot to send Brook flying as he holds his sword out in front of him.

"I'll give it my best!"

Robin pulls her arms to get him spinning, "Slalom vine!"

Brook lets out a laugh that is quickly turned into a shout as he passes through the lightning cloud. "The electricity is making my bones show! Wait! I'm already nothing but bones! Here I come, like an arrow of lightning! Lightning Bone Sword! Gavotte Bond En Avanti!" He goes right through Oars's shoulder like a bullet.

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