A Sick Nami

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"It feels good to finally be able to sit down and rest," I sigh, sitting down next to Vivi on the deck. "No worrying about dinosaurs, or Baroque Works, or what will happen with the log pose. Now we just get to sail through the sea towards the kingdom that needs some help."

It has been a couple hours since we set sail from Little Garden, and it has been fairly smooth sailing since then. The sun has been shining all day, not a sea creature in sight. Sanji is cooking, Zoro is working out with all his might, and Luffy and Usopp are pumped up from what happened with the giants.

"Do you get many moments when Luffy doesn't want you by his side, Akari?" Vivi asks. She's slipped on a light hoodie since returning to the ship.

"Hm, I don't think I really notice it," I shrug. "At least, I don't think about it. Luffy and I have been together for a long time, but there were also times when we were kids where he didn't want me to come with him at all. He goes with the flow, and I have come to do my best with that kind of ideology."

"Akari likes to be right by our captain's side as often as she can," Nami speaks up. She's leaning against the mast, looking quite worn out. "It's cute."

"Guys!" Usopp shouts. "I swear to all of you, that one day I am going to go to Elbaf! The Warrior Village!"

"All right Usopp!" Luffy pulls the two of them onto the railing as they look out at the sea. "Let's do it! We will go to the land of the giants!"

I giggle, "I always know that life will never be boring if I stick to his side."

"Vivi, could you be a dear and hold onto this and keep an eye on it?" Nami hands the eternal log pose over to the princess. She runs a hand through her bangs, "I am still drained from that last adventure."

"You can finally go home," I softly smile.

"If we don't run into any more trouble, that is."

"Yes," Vivi's face lights up. "I have to get home and save my kingdom. I will live and make it back to Alabasta!"

"Don't worry, Vivi, you have me!" Sanji grins, stepping up to us. "Petit Fours, my dears? They are my treat of the day. There's a choice of coffee or tea."

"You are a sweetheart, Sanji," I smile as he sits down among us. I take some of the treat, tossing it into my mouth. "Mmhhmm," I hum. "Delicious."

"Yum!" Luffy and Usopp step up to us. Eyes wide and mouths open and drooling.

"Yours are in the kitchen," Sanji says, waving them away.

"Yay!" The boys rush off to get their fill.

"They didn't get something as good as we did, did they?" I tease.

"Of course not," Sanji shakes his head. "And I made them a lot more."

Vivi giggles.

"I'm so glad that you joined us, Sanji," I hum, shoving more food into my mouth.

"Anything for you, my darling," Sanji gushes. "And for you two, my loves," he looks between Vivi and Nami.

It doesn't take long for the three of us to eat our treat, with Nami barely eating any at all. Then, Sanji takes the dirty plate back to the kitchen, leaving us three girls alone once again.

"Vivi, Akari, I'm sorry," Nami places her hands on her knees like she's going to stand up. "I need to go take a nap. Rest up."

"Of course, you go get some well-deserved rest," I nod. "I think you have taught me enough to keep this ship on the line."

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