Luffy vs Lucci

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We keep running, doing our best to keep at our current pace. It takes a lot to not burst into my max speed, but then I would be without Luffy and face-to-face with Lucci that I know is stronger than I can take on right now. Whenever we reach the duo that is taking Robin away from us, all I'll be able to do is be moral support while Luffy fights. Though, kicking Spandam's ass might be in the cards for me.

"How far is this damn tunnel?" I grumble.

"We have to be close to the end," Luffy huffs. "It only has to be as long as the sea above, and I made it about halfway."

"You did not make it anywhere close to halfway!"

"Okay, okay, well, I made it far enough to know that we can't be much that much farther away."

"Did you try to make a boat in like two seconds to try and cross those rough waves?"

"This is why we need a shipwright. None of us can build or repair a ship."

"I can't wait until we show everyone here that we are a pirate crew that is going to cause an uproar and not to underestimate us anymore."

"Is that a light up ahead?"

I squint my eyes, focusing on the circle of light ahead of us. "They haven't made it out of this tunnel if a door is still open. They have to be right there."

"ROBIN!" Luffy's voice echoes around the tunnel, reaching everyone and everything in here.

"Don't lose hope, Robin!" I can't scream as loud as Luffy, but I do give it my all.

If it's possible to kick ourselves into another gear, we push ourselves to do so. Luffy and I are now running with everything that we've got. We are gasping on every breath that is nowhere close enough to fill our burning lungs. After everything we've been through today, our bodies are reaching their limit, but we can't stop yet. There is still our friend that needs our help.

"There's doors blocking our way again, Luff," I choke out.

"Those don't look like iron," Luffy glances over at me. "Kick 'em down with me, dumpling."

I grin, feeling a rush like no other wash over my body. "Hell yeah."

Both of us let out battle cries as we get within striking distance of the doors, and at the last second both of us jump and kick out one leg to shatter the wooden does that block our way. Luffy lands firmly on his feet, hands already clenched into fists, and fighting stance ready. I skid for a second into the room before stopping next to Luffy, placing my hands on my hips as I look around.

"It got bigger!" Luffy exclaims.

"What the hell is this?" I ask.

We've ended up in a room full of wooden boxes that could be storing ammunition, uniforms, and so much more. There's a door straight across from us that is also closed, which must be where we need to keeping heading for. Except we are not alone.

"Welcome," Lucci's voice grabs both of our attention, and we look up to see him perched on a big wooden box. His pigeon Hattori resting on his shoulder.

"The Pigeon Guy!" Luffy shouts.

"Where's Robin!?" I scream.

Lucci deftly pushes himself off the box, taking a few steps to be in Luffy's line. Still, he doesn't say a single word.

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