Ch.28 - The Drama Cometh

172 10 5

Written Half by Axis-8


It was a quiet day, nothing going on in the city that was too serious, no alerts rung out of any criminal activity, hell this early everyone was still in bed, laying comfy. Everyone except Cassie...

She tossed and turned under her blanket, cold sweat dripping down her face, she'd knocked over her things on the nightstand and thrown pillows about in her slumber.

Finally, with a gasp, Cassie jolted awake, her heart pounding against her chest. She sat up in bed, trying to shake off the remnants of the dream that lingered like a haunting shadow.

Gathering her wits, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, her muscles tense from the ordeal. Glancing out the window, she caught sight of Kara, soaring gracefully through the morning sky, her cape catching the wind trailing behind her.

Cassie let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand through her tousled hair. She needed something to ground her, something to chase away the lingering sense of dread. With a determined stride, she made her way to the kitchen, the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air.

As she poured herself a cup, Tim entered the room, his keen eyes taking in her disheveled appearance. "Well, you look like you've gotten sleep," he remarked casually.

Cassie shot him a sideways glance, her expression guarded. "Yeah, you'd know about that, wouldn't you?" she retorted, a hint of sarcasm creeping into her voice. Tim wasn't exactly one that gets a whole lot of sleep.

Tim raised an eyebrow, sensing the tension in the air. "What's on your mind, Cassie?" he asked gently, concern etched into his features.

Cassie waved him off, not in the mood to discuss her inner turmoil. "It's nothing, Tim. Just a bad dream," she replied dismissively.

Tim opened his laptop and started typing away, taking a few breaks to drink his coffee as Cassie looked out the window. "I don't buy that, what's on your mind? Really."

"I told you, just a bad dream." Cassie said as she kept staring out the window. Her dreams have been getting more... Frequent. More... Vivid. She didn't like what she saw one bit, but a lingering sense of dread was enough to tell her that she might have to face it head on one day.

What's so bad about dreams right? In her world, dreams have power, but surely it couldn't prove a more difficult challenge than what she's done already, right?

She took a long sip from her coffee mug as she reassured herself, staring out the window. "It's about Kara, isn't it?" Tim ventured, his tone soft but probing.

Cassie flinched, this was enough to give it away to him, but Cassie tried to deny it, but she knew her efforts would remain fruitless. "No, it's- I-... It's complicated."

Cassie clenched her jaw, her resolve faltering. "It doesn't matter," she muttered, her gaze drifting towards the window once more.

Tim shook his head, his expression grave. "This... Whatever it is that's been bothering you these past few nights. We need to talk about this, Cassie. Ignoring it won't make it go away," he urged, reaching out a comforting hand.

Tim stood from his chair and closed his laptop, jamming it into the grey backpack slung on one of his shoulders. "I don't know much about what's going on in your head, Cass, but take it from a guy that had to live with Batman for a while. Keeping yourself closed off will only make it harder."

"There's nothing to keep closed about, Tim." Cass said, starting to get frustrated.

"I know you're not the closest friends with Kara, but you really do need to talk about it." Tim pestered on.

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