Ch.3 - The Angel from the Sky

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A/N: We have now entered the Superman/Batman: Apocalypse Arc! Heavily based on the movie itself (and the comic in a sense) which both the comic and movie introduces Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl into the universe!


(Weeks later...)

Gotham City, 11:28pm...

The lone hooded Guardian sat on the rooftop, looking out toward the city that was under night with the many lights, lighting up the whole part of the city he could see, rooftops were darkened but still visible to see someone who wasn't wearing black in their outfits.

It was weeks prior to his and his Ghost's first arrival to this strange, adjust reality, after he and Glace explained everything that had happened prior to his unforeseen arrival, he was allowed to roam freely amongst the Earth, trusted enough to go on his own as long as he was supervised for a little while for safety reasons.

A promise had been made that the Justice League would try and find a way to get him and Glace back home to his Earth, safe and sound...  Though it may take a long time to get him back when they can find out which Earth he came from.

At the moment, Y/N sat on the rooftop of a building that overlooked most rooftops, along with the Gotham Bay, looking through the scope of a custom made sniper that Batman had made for him with Wayne Tech, armed with high velocity tranquillizer darts instead of the typical sniper ammo he carries, though he had backup sniper ammo, in case Taken threats would emerge as another Light source had been found a week after his arrival.

He has yet to meet any other heroes, however... But has heard of them. Done research on them, thanks to Glace pulling up and downloading files from Batman's computer... Which Batman himself didn't seem to be fond of... Visibly.

"You ever think we'll get back home?" Glace pondered as she switched through different channels she hacked into after being let go weeks ago.

"Probably" Y/N answered. "And by probably... I really hope we do... Feels ancient here" he spoke his mind on this Earth, pre Golden Age tech was everywhere and it felt strange knowing the Traveler nor anything like it exists on this reality at all... Just other forces, nothing much else.

"It's Gotham, you'll get used to it" a gruffy voice spoke into the com link.

The voice belonged to Batman himself, earlier a meteorite had crash landed within the Gotham Bay's waters, flooding the surrounding dry land with water from the bay.

Y/N and Glace were the first to see the incoming meteorite falling from the sky, with him rushing toward the Gotham Bay, warning Batman of its location which the Guardian himself took sniper position while Batman volunteered to investigate.

Not long ago... Y/N was deemed "the Mysterious Hooded Vigilante with elemental magic abilities" who worked alongside Batman, some thought Batman had a "new" Robin which in turn insulted Y/N, he was no one's mere sidekick.

"It's not just Gotham... It's everywhere" he complained. "It all feels... Strange. It's like a maze... A never ending one".

"Like I said... You'll get used to it" Batman replied bluntly, focusing on the task at hand as Y/N sighed through comms. "You might like Metropolis".

"Bats, the same goes for Metropolis, it feels ancient to me and Glace".

"Woah woah, I did not have a say in this" Glace denied ever saying anything.

"Last week?" the Guardian remarked.

"Enough chatter, we've got work to do" Batman replied bluntly again, overlooking something glowing green overhead within the water. Rocks of some sort.

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