Ch.11 - Hangout

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Metropolis, USA, 10:25am

Y/N currently waited on top of the higher buildings in Metropolis, holding out the device that he activated to gain a certain Super's attention after doing some patrolling around Metropolis.

In a way? He felt free... And it felt different, but strange in some form, he still wasn't quite used to the Pre-Golden Age technology stuff, but he did get along with civilians nonetheless.

He had been everywhere on this Earth at this point now, been on certain missions with the Justice League, Outsiders and even the Titans when they all needed his expertise on certain requirements, such as Shards of Light extractions, neutralizing Taken Blights that infested points of interests around the globe and even traces of the Light itself.

One thing is still unanswered...

How did the Light make its way here? Into this parallel Earth? Even the Darkness or at least parts of Darkness such as Dark Zones made its way here.

Questions that would be answered in the foreseeable future the Guardian and Ghost thought...

"Maybe she's busy" Glace pondered.

"You think so?" the Guardian asked, looking down at the device he held in his hand. "Hmph, she would've been here by now".

"Like I said... She's busy" Glace repeated herself once more, before the Guardian sighed.

"And it's now morning, c'mon Glace, let's monitor activity around-" he put the device into his inventory before feeling a pair of arms entrap him from behind, with a fit of giggles.

"*Giggle* Boo!" a cheerful voice surprised the immortal Space Cowboy from behind, making him shiver a little but in turn, smiled with glee knowing who the voice belonged.

"You could've picked up, y'know?" Y/N huffed a little, but still kept his smile as the girl behind him let go, allowing him to turn around to see her face...

Her beautiful, beautiful face, her hair shining off from the rising sun and cape flowing behind her.

"I wanted to surprise you" Supergirl placed her fists into her hips, wearing the goofiest smile she can make before tackling him with a big hug while lifting him up. "Omigod! How long has it been since we last spoke? Almost a month?!!" she couldn't contain her excitement to see her best friend, to her? It had been a while since she last heard from him.

"Haha, simmer down, Kara. It hasn't been that long" he chuckled. Kara, not long after, put down the Guardian back onto his feet with the hug lasting a while longer, eventually the two pulled back to make eye contact. "Sorry about not being able to contact you sooner, I've been busy, dealing with Taken incursions and more Shards of Light many hero teams have encountered and they needed me and Glace's help on them".

"Oh? I see".

"But I'm free now, though it's..." his eyes glowed blue for a little before dimming back down. "10:27 A.M. in the morning. So uh... How've you been since I last checked on you?" he asked politely, the two now sat at the edge of the rooftop, their feet dangling off the edge.

"I've been good! As usual, still getting those strange dreams but everything's been alright, so far" Kara shrugged with an expression. "Being a hero is fun! Saved a plane containing the President of the United States last night, believe it or not" she gave a cocky smirk toward his direction.

"I heard about that, you were on national news not long after it happened, the President even gave you their blessing for saving their life, which is great, Kara! Really great" his words spoke wonders to her ears, filling her with a gleeful feeling of joy, she was happy in other words. "You're great".

Light of Tomorrow: Destiny x DC Post-Crisis/New Earth Universe - Y/N-VerseWhere stories live. Discover now