Ch.6 - Themyscira

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Two months... 

Two months had went by since Diana took Kara Zor-El to Paradise Island, otherwise known as Themyscira, Superman wasn't very fond of the idea but he had no choice, thinking Diana forced his decision to let her take Kara for extensive training (and for Harbinger's vision of Kara in danger) after the park had been... Mauled apart by Kara's uncontrolled heat vision, two months ago.

Y/N on the other hand was livid with the idea at first, seeing Clark willingly give up Kara to Diana, which a huge argument ensued between him, and the Trinity that were present within that same park two months ago. He began to doubt that they'd ever find a way to get him home after this. 

But... Then came Diana's offer toward the Guardian and his Ghost, Kara wanted Y/N and his Ghost to be there on Paradise Island, despite knowing that men aren't welcomed on that island, he was Kara's first friend and Diana could see that, she was informed by Batman about it.

Diana offered to allow Y/N to visit Kara on the island, which at first he wasn't sure but judging the look on Kara's face if he said no, Glace thought it'd be a great idea, so he went anyway... And surprisingly was welcomed with open arms by some Amazonians, one of them being Lyra aka Harbinger.

At least only a few, others questioned to why Diana would allow someone like the Guardian, claiming to be a warrior who wields a gun which was "cowardly" to them, would be allowed on the island just for some girl.

Dinner at Themyscira, requested by Kara for him to stay for dinner... Also made this... Awkward for him and his Ghost as much as it did...

But progress had been made of Kara's powers, she was now controlling them more better than she had previously which was an improvement, the Guardian began to see why this was a good idea, Kara even enjoyed herself from time to time which also kept the Guardian happy...

Unlike a certain cousin...

Currently however... Kara, in her white Amazonian battle dress and tiara, was awaiting for Artemis's arrival to the training arena, for the last few weeks, Artemis has been training Kara and most of those times... Y/N and Glace would stand by and watch.

One of times... He was pressured by Artemis to fight her, knowing she was prepared this time to fight the likes of a Guardian, even with Kara watching... And it did not end the way Artemis thought it would, in a few short moves, Y/N took her down without the need of a "gun" or his Light to assist him... He used only his Hunter Blades to disarm her and take her down. She grew to respect him from this, he was indeed not unlike any warrior she's seen before.

"Ready when you are, Artemis" Kara stood ready, sword drawn in her hand as Artemis then stood ready in a stance of a warrior, smirking.

Only this time... Y/N and Glace weren't here... It was Superman and Batman watching this time, Clark had his arms crossed as Bruce stood still, his cloak concealing his hands and arms.



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Light of Tomorrow: Destiny x DC Post-Crisis/New Earth Universe - Y/N-VerseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang