Ch.23 - Data Clogged

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The eyes of Y/N began to open from within the sheets of his own bed, provided to him by his roommate and former best friend... Now girlfriend, Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl. Usually his Ghost would wake him to get up but this time? 


His vision began to get clearer as he felt a weight upon him, an usual type of weight but it was familiar to him as he had this set of weight on him before when he was awakened by a small fit of soft giggles.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty" a calm and soft feminine voice spoke, one that was recognizable for his ears alone.

The girl, who straddled on him, planted a small kiss on his forehead, proceeding to look down at him with her baby blues while smiling softly.

Y/N's eyes laid upon the suited up girl, her cape sprawled out behind her as his eyes noticed the S on her crop top she proudly wore.

"I wake up to you straddling me? Are you asking for cuddles??" he groggily spoke before rubbing his eyes and yawning, overhearing a little giggle escape the blonde haired, cape wearing girl.

"Cuddles are a treat to me in a lot of ways" she flirted playfully, resting her hands on his chest over the sheets. "But as much as I would tackle you back onto the bed? I made breakfast for ya, just came back from helping out the city and stuff, nothin too major" she happily exclaimed before getting off of him.

The girl then decided to pull the sheets off of him. "Glace has tried waking you up according to her, says you wouldn't budge".

"Eh... Maybe it's the bed that's keeping me ensnared" he replied, sitting up in front of the Girl of Steel who kept her smile like any day.

"And I thought Guardians don't sleep much?" she smirked.

"I thought Kryptonians don't sleep" he gave a simple smirk back with his comment as Kara looked like she had made a mistake.

"That... Backfired" she exclaimed before letting out a giggle or two. "I sleep because... It makes me feel a little normal, and more relaxed".

"Eh... I suppose you've got a good excuse" he self-claimed, proceeding to get out of the bed before kissing Kara's head back, making her flush pink across her cheeks.

"Is it just me? Or do you not have to wash mostly? I don't know how it works for you" The girl asked as Y/N slapped on a plain white T-shirt.

"Got my Ghost to keep my hygiene up, keeps me clean and all that... Same thing with my armor too" he told her as she nodded.

"Hmm... Never thought of it that way". 

The Hunter Vanguard simply made his way into the living room with Kara zooming by like a gust of wind that flown by him, whereas his Ghost approached him. "Finally! I've been trying to get you up all morning".

The Guardian chuckled, seemingly more awake now after hearing the little scolding from his Ghost. "Well that bed keeps me glued".

"Or maybe you just wanted to sleep for a change?"

"You can blame me for that!" Kara called from the kitchen. "I was the one that invited him in to live as my roommate" she continued from the kitchen. "Come get your English Muffin!".

Y/N raised his eyebrow after Glace finished with her usual thing to keep him all fresh and going. "Wait, I thought you said you 'made' me breakfast?" he questioned as he just entered with his Ghost following behind.

Kara gulped down the drink of a hot chocolate beverage she got from the restaurant they always go to mostly every morning in Metropolis, the owners were very familiar of Supergirl and the Guardian visiting every now and then in the morning, boosting up their popularity alone.

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