Ch.4 - Teacher

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The last few days had been nothing but lessons and teachings for Kara Zor-El, being brought back to the Fortress of Solitude where she was to stay until she was ready... By Clark's word.

How introduction to Batman was... Very rocky, she found herself strapped to a medical examination table where Batman had ran a scan about her, she costed Batman a computer which Superman conducted to put the bill on him. A reporter's salary.

It came to no surprise that Clark wanted Y/N (and Glace) to help Kara learn how to speak English, since Y/N looked around Kara's age, and was the same age as her... Despite him being immortal with his Ghost alongside him. She was very interested into knowing him more, probably the first friendliest face outside family she's encountered on Earth so far.

And so... He became Kara's guide to the Human language, Glace taught her knowledge about Earth toward Kara as well, contributing to helping someone new out.

It was a surprise knowing that Kara had learned the English language within a day and a half, it shocked him at the slightest about it all that she vowed to learn another language next, she had this cute remark with her words every time she spoke.

It made her sound so innocent when she would get something wrong.

She began to remember most of what had happened before she was rocketed off Krypton, how her father's plan was to work with her going to Earth, the same time baby Kal-El was, there was a plan in store that Kara's mother would also go with but it mattered too late when Krypton exploded last minute. Unfortunately... A piece of Krypton, a Kryptonite Meteorite, collided with Kara's pod, knocking her off course which her ship was stuck onto the space rock.

Before eventually arriving to Earth... Which crashed into the Gotham Bay a few nights ago...

Now... Kara is the Last Daughter of Krypton, like how Clark is the Last Son of Krypton as the point stands. She found comfort knowing Kal was alive and well as of this moment, and the comfort of not only having company outside family with her within the Fortress, company within the Guardian and his Ghost.

It seemed a bond began to grow between her and Y/N, she showed interest in knowing more about him, despite how confusing it sounded to her, he put it in the best way he could explain it all.

But as of right now? Kara was looking at through the Intergalactic Zoo her cousin had up within the Fortress, looking at the many different species of animals that had made its way to Earth on strange occasions, but thanks to this Zoo? They all have plenty of space to live in, and the environment that suited them.

She found it cool that he had this type of zoo within the Fortress, giving these creatures from different shapes and sizes, a second chance without feeling threatened by predators and dangerous mammals that hunt them for food.

It was then that the girl smiled, upon hearing a familiar heartbeat approaching her. "I can hear your heartbeat, Y/N, you sneaking up on me isn't going to work" she smirked, looking toward her left as Y/N appeared in her eyesight the next, exiting Void Invisibility.

"You're getting good at detecting heartbeat signatures, good job" the Guardian complimented with a smile, approaching the girl.

"Thanks" she took his compliment with praise. "But... I'm not exactly great with controlling my strength yet... Broke another door just earlier" she looked away, saddened.

"Hey, you'll get there" he placed a hand on Kara's shoulder, gaining her attention. "You'll get there eventually, just takes practice".

"Practice... Yeah... Practice" she repeated, looking back at the alien creatures within the Zoo in front of them, as a question was brought up through Kara's mind. "Where's Glace? She usually pops up every time you and I talk" she asked curiously.

Light of Tomorrow: Destiny x DC Post-Crisis/New Earth Universe - Y/N-VerseOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora