Ch.29 - Crisis Ahead

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From what seemed to be just a normal morning... Turned into an absolute nightmare.

What Kara thought the morning would turn out as but a sweet, waking up to her boyfriend, who laid awake... Waiting for her to awake and when she did? She was greeted with a sight, a sight she loved seeing every morning when she'd wake up last.

It had been a few weeks since every other event had passed by, the OMACs were still at large, even without Maxwell Lord, but newer problems arose...

The Hive and Taken most specifically were more active than ever before, no thanks to Nokris and the two Hive Witch Sisters that serve him and his Taken Queen, the champion of the Taken Queen has been under orders to send in invasion forces throughout different cities within the United States, small batches, nothing too big but it still caused issues.

Y/N was needed now more than ever, Praedyth included, but he was convicted to his Vex Fortress, unable to assist but could send in Sol Consensus reinforcements to assist the Guardian and his allies to fend off the Hive and Taken assaults...

It was no doubt, these forces were being sent to halt the Guardian and his allies, Y/N and his Ghost had that one feeling the Hive were up to something behind the scenes, which Praedyth was looking into closely.

Not only this...

The OMACs that once housed people as living weapons... Had began to ooze a familiar substance of energy of Sterile Neutrinos, Taken energy.

The Taken Queen now had a new arsenal of allies for the Guardian to face, Taken OMACs, empowered by Taken and at the will of the Taken Queen herself, whoever she is.

A fraction of the Justice League had investigated a murder of 24 people, with a blood written graffiti that spelt "THE JLA IS DEAD" which was mysterious, no visible trauma was inflicted upon the victims. 

With Superman busy also, John Stewart had called in Supergirl to assist them, and with her? She brought Y/N with her... Though he was skeptical of having the Guardian around, John still welcomed the Guardian's assistance, as he had explained the situation at hand.

Y/N's Ghost assumed it could be Hive, but John denied so, no Hive or Taken could've done such a thing with the murders and if so? It would be very easy to spot...

John thought it would be a good idea to keep in contact nonetheless, now with having Supergirl and the Guardian's as backup for the time being, as Y/N caught Green Arrow up to speed on the other situation mostly.

Then... Taken began pouring onto the city within an unexpected assault after the public caught an eye of the fraction of the League within their city, an attack that Praedyth wasn't able to warn the Guardian about in time, which the League sprang into action to clear out as fast as possible.

Taken OMACs were the only ones there, that spawned in from out of nowhere, driving an edge into the situation, with no more than an explanation whether to kill or not to kill these OMACs, the only option was to kill.

Their will had been fully Taken, there was no other way to save them, maybe with Awoken technology, but Y/N had no access to such technology on this Earth as they never existed at all.

Panic ensued.... But the heroes now with backup from Aquaman, Black Canary and Red Tornado, stood triumphant in the end however, even though the Taken OMACs are nothing but soulless shells of being formally human, they initiated a removal protocol as part of what they were originally programmed for, attempting to combust the entire area around themselves.

Kara made the quick save by using her cape to cover her boyfriend from the ranged explosion once they went off, booming out with a Taken Substance, like an exploding Blight, everyone else that was on the ground hit the deck as the explosions went off, John made sure to cover the civilians that were in range of the explosion, saving them before more lives were taken.

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