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I have been thinking about it for so long.
I may be wrong but I might blow all of your minds away.

It literally takes away from everything I have written but only recently I came up with the PERFECT backstory and lore for Pantalone.

SOOOOOOO we all know Baizhu and Pantalone look a shit ton alike right?
People say they are brothers or twins yet I don't think that is necessarily true; atleast not anymore.

In Baizhu his story quest cutscene all the other doctors were npcs and all other characters are basic models...except for one. The first doctor and Baizhu himself.
The first doctor looked exactly like Baizhu but with black hair.
The first doctor looked like he was traveling from some place before meeting chengsheng which makes perfect since since it is speculated Pantalone his real name is Feren (not a Liyue name)
It also is speculated he grew up in poverty.

Traveling doesn't cost any money or not much money so perhaps like Itto travels to make some money Pantalone did it back then since the first doctor didn't seem that rich to begin with.
Pantalone always has wanted a gnosis yet no archon or Celestia ever granted him one. Naturally he would seek out ways to get some form of power and perhaps that is maybe why he could have traveled to Liyue as well because he heard about some old legend.
Coming across Chengsheng he of course accepts the deal blindly despite her warnings and the risks that come with this newly bestowed gift.
Working as a doctor gets him paid yet he swiftly realizes it comes with a price. His life technically.
The first doctor although not from Liyue remains there to help people and he died there as well but in that time he could have fallen in love and had a child.

It would make sense why Baizhu looks like him because Pantalone is his ancestor if that would be the case.

How did he end up at the fatui:

The fatui hearing of this gifted doctor goes to seek him out yet before they get to him they discover he already has passed on.
They would still take the body regardless since Dottore able to create clones...surely he can bring somebody back from the death?
Thus Dottore does his magic and Pantalone is brought back to life having only little recollection of the life he lived before resulting in him joining the fatui since with all this memory loss what is he supposed to do otherwise and where should he go?
It makes perfect sense why he works close with Dottore (scaras voice lines) because he has to work close to Dottore to keep himself alive (kinda like mother Gothel does with Rapunzel) (def bc they ain't gay asf for each- anyways)
He finally is with the fatui and what he can remember he knows he always wanted money. He knows he wanted a vision.  Yet now he has all the money he ever could have wished for (richest man in teyvat) and a delusion. What more could he possibly want?

Remaining with the fatui is the best and only option now and he doesn't care about anything at all.
He once cared so much about the people he took care of as a doctor yet his morals have lost him blinded by the new found power given to him.

I also have a theory why he has his eyes closed in the trailer:
We know trough Chengsheng and Baizhu that Chengsheng has Baizhu his eyes and Baizhu has her eyes.
If my theory is correct then why would Chengsheng need the eyes of a dead man?
She took her own eyes back when the bond is broken and left Pantalone with his own eyes.
Due to him having died his eyes would have gone dull and if the fatui and Dottore were quick enough he may still have some of his vision left which is why he wear glasses to help him see better.

This would make perfect sense since Qiqi being a zombie her eyes are dull as well almost blind even as it also would make sense why Pantalone has that grey streak in his hair since Qiqi her hair was once dark brown (I think) and her hair is almost entirely white now.
Pantalone works close with Dottore as well to keep up his appearance before he died yet time will slip from his hands eventually and much like Qiqi his hair will turn white, his sight will turn more bad making him go blind and I'm guessing because he would be a zombie the delusion won't affect him as much as Chengsheng once did so that is maybe why he speaks so heartlessly and lowly about his fellow harbingers because he feels some form of superiority over them knowing he can't get hurt because of the delusion.

I rest my case LMAO

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now