Spicy Special

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This chapter will contain a loootttttt of smut so be warned XD

The smut will be Dottore his clones and Pantsie

Sitting at his office Pantalone is having a very stressfull and frustrating day. The meeting broke out into a big arguement between most harbingers as even he and Dottore argued that meeting. He wanted to make up for it though since he dislikes to hold a grudge against people, he dislikes conflict in general.
Standing up and walking to the door he puts his coat and scarf on, he leaves his office, says goodbye to his assistant and then heads out to go in a carriage.

Sitting in the carriage he thinks of how to apologise to Dottore despite he himself being in the right. Dottore and him do not have the best bond recently as it is clear how much they argue so why is he accually going to apologise for this when they had arguements that resolved on their own? In all honest he does not know and he would play with his rings because he is nervous knowing that Dottore is a mad man and holds a grudge for a very long while so when arrived at the facility, upon entering it Pantalone acts all confident and gives all the clones a smile like nothing was wrong and of course they would smile back. Dottore on the otherhand when he saw Pantalone he turns on his heels and walks to his office "what are you doing here?"

Pantalone catches up to him and walks close behind Dottore since he is just a little bit faster then him "can we talk? I would like to apologise about earlier" he spoke following Dottore to his lab yet right as he was about to enter the room he gets the door slammed into his face full force by the doctor so he stops in his tracks since he is very surprised Dottore was that angry he would slam a door closed in his face "you know what?! I wont apologise anymore so if i fall sick i dont want to see your face anymore! You are so goddahm immature!" Pantalone shouts.

The clones just watch in silence never having heard Pantalone shout before yet they are somewhat happy somebody is brave enough to shout at their creator.
The Regrator huffs and kicks the locked door "cant even have a mature conversation!" He grunts after that seeming very annoyed and angry yet when he turns to look at the clones he forces a smile on again acting like nothing happened seeming to have a plan so he walks over to them "i will set something up and i need you all to gather in that room okay?" He tilts his head sweetly smiling at them.

Receiving a nod from the clones Pantalone walks out of the labratory just to head in town for some scented candles, some essential oils, some chocolate covered strawberries and once he got everything he needed he returns to the labratory.
Entering again he has a agent carrying the bags for him as he enters Dottore his bedroom and sets everything up making the setting incredibly romantic so once all done he tells the agent to send in the clones while he sits on Dottore his bed with his boots still on not caring if he makes it dirty. Pantalone signals the clones who enter the room to stand closer to him. "I have decided i want to spoil you all today."

The clones look at Pantalone before they look at eachother as there are ten in total. One of them steps towards Pantalone and sits on the edge of the bed "that is very kind of you sir, Pantalone " he does not know how to call the other so he blushes a dark red and avoids Pantalone his gaze "we do not deserve to be spoiled, you cannot make us happy...we have no emotions"

Pantalone moves his hand in that clone his hair and moves him so that he rests his head on his lap while looking up at him as the others just watch silently and surprised of how Pantalone is being towards a clone...accually touching him and they quickly got jealous since they wish to get the attention of the man sitting before them. "Oh i know very well~..." he paused to grab a chocolate covered strawberry and he would feed it to the clone while playing with his hair "...~ what makes you all happy." he whispers while making direct eye contact with the clone who shyly is eating the starberry.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now