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When Dottore was gone for a few hours now that is when Pantalone would wake up. He moves his hand up on the bed to run it over Dottore his chest yet feeling the emty spot the regrator would open his eyes seeing Dottore truely is not there. He can feel how cold the spot is so that lets him know the doctor has been gone for a while now. The man had grown upset since this night was so special to them. They are engaged... married...whatever it was and they had sex yet here Dottore is running off again without leaving a letter behind or letting him know where he would be going. He thinks Dottore must have gone to work, that he has it busy so he just stands up, gets ready, gets dressed before he heads downstairs to grab something small to eat. Having eaten something small aswell for having drank some water he realises how lonely he feels sitting all alone like this where nobody was here to accompany him. Dottore is at work or whatever he is doing, he lost Isabella and he does not see Lucio anywhere who usually would tell him good morning and keep him company. He tries to shake all these thoughts from his mind as he has decided to go to the bank for some work to distract himself. Finishing up breakfast he goes to the hallway to put his cloak on before stepping outside.

On his way to work he would walk past the graveyard as he enters it and goes to Isabella her grave. With his hand he would dust some snow of the thombstone as he just looks at the grave with a sad smile missing her dearly yet he does not cry anymore knowing she is not in pain anymore.  Looking at the vase he takes the glass poppy out of it and dusts it off aswell before he sets it back down in it. "Without you i feel very lonely. I miss the times where you would rush into my bedroom and jump on the bed to wake me up" he chuckles softly thinking back to it as one time she almost fell of the bed as Pantalone had to catch her just in time "or when we would have breakfast together as you would always love it when i would make it...i honesty do not understand why...i am not as good as the chef we had but when i had to make it for you you always enjoyed it when i would make everything in the shape of a heart" the man smiles to himself resting his hand on the thombstone letting out a soft sigh "today i feel very lonely on the first day of the new year. I wish i could hug you again" that is all he said before he walks away. He catches something in corner of his eye so looking at what he saw it was gone. He must be imagining things...

Upon arrival of the bank Pantalone just goes to his large office and sits down in his chair he has not sat down in for a while now but as he was about to go to work he watches a young boy run into his office. Pantalone was shocked and surprised at first of who would have the nerve to run in his office without permission but seeing who it is he puts his pen down and looks at two more kids enter the room as the children are followed by Childe. "Ajax" Pantalone spoke as he calls him by his true name because the children are there.

Childe looks at Pantalone giving him a awkward smile seeing that Pantalone wanted a explanation of why he is here woth his siblings "i came here to ask you something. "

"With your siblings?" Pantalone asks as he opens a drawer of his desk and takes out a small glass serving bowl as he pulls the lid off. The kids come rushing to the desk to each take a Turkish delight before they would thank Pantalone and sit on the couch in Pantalone his office. Pantalone watches how the kids come rushing to the desk but for Teucer he holds out something else to eat knowing he likes extremely sweet things.

Childe walks over as he himself wanting to take a turkish delight for himself but feeling a slap on his hand he stares at the other man who had slapped his hand away. "Hey. Why can't i have any?" Childe spoke and he can sense his younger siblings are holding back a laugh.

"Because you are not a child...are you? " Pantalone smiles and closes the lid but as he goes to put everything back in the drawer he sees the electro vision of Lucio laying in his desk which makes him let out a soft sight simply closing the drawer having forgotten to give it back. "What is it that you wanted to ask. Is your mother busy that you had to look after your siblings?"

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now