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I am editing this at 4.29 in the morning so if i miss any typos i apologise.

Arriving in Snezhnaya Dottore already was awake just sitting on the bed holding Pantalone in his arms, playing with his hair seeming very distracted doing that so he almost did not notice they had arrived yet when he did he would gently shake the other to get him to wake up "we have arrived"

Pantalone slowly would wake up his vision a little blurry as he does not really remember what happened after Dottore enjected him or even moments before that so he just looks up at the other confused. Why was he here on this boat? Why was Dottore here? We have arrived? Where?
He did not question Dottore about it since this happened a couple of times before where he would wake up and not really remember anything of the day before. Standing up he fixes his hair and puts his glasses back on before he holds onto Dottore his arm not being able to walk without his support since he feels a little dazy and still dizzy. Dottore helps Pantalone walk of the ship and takes him to his carriage. "I told you i will have to take care of something as soon as i arrived. I will be home soon okay?"

Pantalone was so incredible confused. His body feels weak like his bones are made of glass as he cannot think clearly in the moment "okay...?" He spoke unsure of himself when he said that. He feels a kiss being pressed against his forehead before the other left. He just gets in the carriage and sits down his eyes slowly closing again, his vision blurry as it is hard for him to remain awake. He feels drugged up.

The carriage would not move but a agent opens the door to inform Pantalone of the current situation "a meeting was called. Would you like to go sir?"

Pantalone straightens his posture opening his eyes again and gives the agents a smile "yes, of course"
In all honesty Pantalone did not hear clearly what the agent asked so who knows what he just awnsered.

Dottore has gone to the abandoned palace to see if Lucio is still alive but he had brought a bucket of water to throw it over him so that some blood could wash away yet when he entered the ballroom he sees he was not in the chains that would bind him in place. Dottore drops the bucket to the ground and walks over to the table he had most equipment and grabs the largest knife he had as he quickly walks into the hallway slightly panicking. How could he have gotten away? He must not have gotten far. "Lucio!" he shouts before he presses his hand against his forehead and laughs to himself "i see how it is! I will hunt you down you little ungratefull brat! I was so gentle on you!" He shouts as in the moment he was breathing heavy and frantically looking around the old home with a knife in his hands as in the moment he seems psychotic talking in a taunting way if the other could hear him. Laughing to himself and trashing everything around trying to find this man yet he is nowhere to be found. Since his search ended infront of the family portrait he just stares at the ruined piece and sees the dried up blood splatters go across Lucio his face which makes Dottore smile brightly "oh how i would love to skin you alive" he spoke laughing to himself before he throws the knife full force at the portrait as it lands in Lucio his face. Dottore just storms off and he knows there will ne a meeting so he would go there to ask if anybody had any information.

Pantalone arrived very early to the meeting so he just sat on a couch almost falling asleep again yet he jolts awake when he hears somebody calling his name as it was Pierro. He just stands up but almost collapses because of how weak and drugged up he was. Did Dottore give him the wrong thing? Was it overdoses? Or did Dottore get things mixed up? The Jester was close to Pantalone so when he saw that he grips onto the other so he could not fall as he wraps a hand around his waist and takes Pantalone his arm wrapping that around his neck while he would hold his wrist.
"You look terrible"

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now