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* this chapter contains spoilers for the Sumeru archon quest*

The next morning it was freezing cold in Pantalone his bedroom. He woke up from the cold so when he opens his eyes, sitting up and looks around he cannot see Dottore with him anymore. He seemed to have left and he might have his suspicions on where the doctor is so he swiftly gets up and despite it being cold he wasted no time to put something on his feet, not caring to put his glasses on, not caring to fix his hair really since he now is rushing down the large long hall his bare feet touching the incredible cold tiles with each step. Pulling his robe more closed tieing the robe shut tighter so it will remain in place he finally makes it to his daughter his room and as he enters there he was hovering above his asleep daughter. Pantalone rushes over and grips Dottore his arm with more force then he usually would dragging him away but Dottore grabs Pantalone his wrists and pulls him close to him so both are now facing eachother and standing close "get away from her. You only may come close to her when i am around. I thought you understood that..."

"Somebody has to watch over her when she is asleep. I need to know what happens in her sleep aswell if it is worse then or if she will seem better" he spoke not letting go of the other his wrists just looking Pantalone up and down a smile growing on his face.

"She does not need watching. Now let me go... Why are you smiling?" The man asks trying to break free from the other Harbinger his grip but it seems useless so far.

Dottore keeps the smile onto his face letting go of one of the other his wrists just so he can move a lock of hair out of his face "you are beautiful when you are mad."

Pantalone stays still for a moment looking at the other just speechless that Dottore just called him that "i-... i just woke up. How can i be beautiful? Just..." he lets out a deep sigh pinching the bridge of his nose "get out of her room...!" The man whisper yells to show his frustrations but also so that his daughter would not wake up by him full on yelling.

Dottore did not awnser that simply leaving the room. Pantalone was frustrated at the other man as he goes to his daughter the check up on her but sees that there is nothing wrong so far. Having forgotten he is not supposed to touch her he bends down and places a kiss on Isabella her forehead "i am sorry i cannot protect you from this illness my beautiful girl" he whispers as there can be sadness heard into his voice clearly and truely caring for his daughter. When Pantalone leaves the room he expects Dottore to be there but no he seems to have dissapeared once more causing the other man to sigh and head back to his own room hugging himself because of how cold it was. Entering the room he sees the fireplace is back on expecting a maid to have done it so he just sits on the couch pinching the bridge of his nose to prevent a headache.

"Am i getting on your...nerves?" Dottore spoke placing his hands on Pantalone his shoulders.

"Yes you are. When you returned i was quite excited accually as i have thought of you...if you were doing well, yet now you are pestering me. You make me worry more then i already am." He spoke and leans back in the couch to look up at Dottore by resting his head on the backrest.

"Is this about Little Isabella? I just want to take care of her as much as you do " he spoke and moves to sit in a chair looking at the fire.

Pantalone had started to see just now what Dottore is trying to accomplish so he lets out a sigh thinking for once Dottore cared for him and his daughter but no. "How much Mora do you need?"

Dottore remains to look in the fire as the warm light sculps his jawline and other visible features perfectly. "How much do you guess for getting all my clones back here so i can kill them?"

"Kill them? Why... all you're hard work would have gone to waste."

"I made a promise to lesser lord Kusanali the current Dendro Archon for her gnosis" Dottore spoke before he turns to look at Pantalone.

The black haired man just looks at him speechless before he lets out a chuckle "are you serious? My my-...giving up all of you're hard work for a gnosis...you should know better then that."

Dottore scoffs turning to look back in the flames taking the mask off and tosses it onto the table moving a hand trough his hair, closing his eyes and lets out a deep sigh "they are fools anyways. Now...how much?"

"It is not a question of how much it is the question is is how you will pay it back. You still owe me for the previous project i sponsored and the one before that. You will be in my debt for a life time at this point"he shrugs and stands up walking over to a side table to pour himself some wine needing it even this early in the morning "you are a man with great ambition and big plans but you do not have the funds to repay me. You're dreams will go down the drain that way Dottore. "He spoke taking a sip from the wine but as he swallows the liquid he can feel a hand wrap around his neck and the doctor press himself against him as the doctor is now standing close behind the other.

"I paid you once in another way" he spoke taking the glass from Pantalone so he can take a sip himself before he sets the glass down on the side table.

Pantalone rests his head onto Dottore his shoulder looking up at him. He could not lie that he truely enjoyed the time of said payment but he now cannot do such a thing. Not while his daughter is sick. "That debt was much less then this one and i let it slide since you were so good that night...but that will not happen again Zandik"

"You call me by my name more often now. I suppose you are starting to get feelings for me? That is why you are denying my offer now...what a shame...it would have made things so much more fun and better" he spoke his head moving lower into the other his neck starting to place kisses against it while his hand would move to rest on the other his waist as the other remained around Pantalone his troath.

Pantalone was shocked to hear that Dottore thought he had emotions for him so when the other began to show some form of affection he had to admit he loved it but he had to remain strong in his statement "i am not in the mood and no...you cannot pay of such a debt like that by having sex with me. If i will fund you to bring you're minions here to Snezhnaya then i want you to heal my daughter. I dont want any surgery to happen..find a cure that is peacefull to her that is not scary understood...and consider the debt paid. She means more to me then you can ever imagine."

"I will"

"Good...then get out of my room"

"You seem to be confused. I am here for you aswell so i will stay for yo-.."before Dottore could finish Pantalone had cut him off.

"You are here for my Mora like you always have..you care about nobody but yourself now get out." He spoke in a bit of a sharper tone but he sees no reactions from the doctor despite him having his mask off. It always has been hard to read dottore his emotions with or without mask so when the other turns away to leave the room after having collected his mask Pantalone just sits down onto the couch letting out a deep sigh. Closing his eyes he lets those words sink in; him? Having feelings for Dottore? No that could not be.

After a long while of thinking Pantalone accually has fallen asleep on the couch since it still is too early to do anything really.

Dottore in the meantime was in Isabella her room having a temporary cure for her. It would not last forever but long enough to get Pantalone his Mora for the time being. The *cure* would make Isabella healthy for a while and look like she is improving, getting better in a instand. So when the girl is still asleep he injects her with it making sure a servent or a maid was there to see it so they can gossip about it so it can reach Pantalone who will then know it is the work of him that healed his daughter. Once all is done it was at the moment a waiting game for her to wake up and start improving...feeling better.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now