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This chapter contains abuse, violence & murder

Arriving at Pantalone his home he carries the sleeping man out of the carriage and carries him to the frontdoor watching how a maid rushes to the front door to open it so they could immitatly enter the home
Dottore carries Pantalone up the stairs and then to his room laying him down on the bed. Now that he comes over each week he has more doctor equipment here aswell but before he would do anything he strips Pantalone of his clothing so he only would be left in his underwear as he inspects the rather large bruise on his ribs aswell for him having a bruise on his arm. Yet those were not the only ones since some were almost gone. Dottore was confused by this. Why does Pantalone have bruises, did not seem to be in pain yet seems so happy? If it was Daemon his doing he would not be happy unless he cannot remember it. The doctor goes to his equipment yet he sees things are missing so he checks what is missing and it was a syringe and some anysthesia. He glances back at Pantalone taking what he needs and returns to the other his side.
Sitting on the edge of the bed he puts a needle in Pantalone his arm just takes some blood from him so that he can see at home how bad his condition truely is yet he might also be able to see if he got drugged in any way shape or form.

Once done he puts the robe on Pantalone that he always wears and tucks him in making sure he was warm and well yet when he was done with that and turned to leave he watches Daemon rush into the room seeming concerned. "The maid told me he was passed out in your arms. Is everything alright?"

Dottore dislikes him strongly yet he has to act normal or neutral towards him since in the end. He wants Pantalone to come to his senses and kill this bastard on his own. "No. He passed out dueing the meeting and did not wake up for around a hour...maybe longer then that? His condition is getting worse"he spoke and walks over taking Pantalone his pill bottle and sees he has been taking them yet he does not trust it so he puts it in his bag and sets a new one on the bedside table "goodbye" he spoke and leaves the home.

A couple of hours later Isabella walks into the room Dottore is in and sees him wear a doctors coat, gloves and clearly is at work as he looks into a microscope inspecting Pantalone his blood. "What is it Isabella?" He spoke as he writes things down without looking.

"When do you think i can see my father again? I miss him" she spoke and climbs on high bar like chair besides Dottore and watches hin write down everyhting yet all these words seem like some form of spell to her so she just looks at him before those big words give her a headache. "And i am hungry"

Dottore continues to write as he adjusts the lense a little as he clearly is very focused " i do not know" he spoke thinking back of what Pantalone dreamed of when passed out as he grows nervous about him finding it out so he should tell him sooner or later. Hearing she was hungry makes him pull away from the microscope to look at her "head to the kitchen i will be there in a moment" he spoke and watches the girl walk out of the room. Pantalone looks at the paper what he had written down as he suspected this already. Daemon is trying to kill Pantalone in the slowest way possible while having his fun with him. He would use Dottore his equipment to drug Pantalone so to speak as he has switched out Pantalone his medicine for ones he made himself since it was a mix of everything really. Dottore got more curious about this man so he got  the device the harbingers communicate trough as he calls Childe up.

Childe awnsers as he lets out a small chuckle "you must be truely desperate if you call me up. What is it?" He asks.

Dottore is taking the gloves off and coat as he then takes the device and walks out of the room "i need you to steal something for me"

Childe was surprised to say the least since he did not suspect Dottore to ever ask this from him "Arlechino has better experience in that. Why dont you call her up? I cant do it anyways"

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now