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Going into town always was exciting for Pantalone as he loves the people, loves the stores and the occasional smell of food that would come from the restaurants. He could not look for himself since the prisoner was his priority...coming to think of it he has not asked for his name...not only that he was out here in town, with no delusion, nobody to protect him. Luckily he sees some fatui agents he had met before that had lended them their coats from when he killed the dollmaker as a simple glance was enough for them to come over. No questions asked they would follow him seeing that he is alone. Entering a shop, a black smith... he takes a glance and the rings she had made. From the back comes a women in a apron with a light layer of sweat covering her face and arms "do you take unusual requests?"

She just crosses her arms not seeming fazed by this as she often gets unusual requests "depends on what it is and if you have the money for it"

Pantalone gives her a amused smile seeming pleased by that she is willing to help "armor that is thick enough to protect a person from arrows. The man who you need to make it for is strong enough to be able to wear it despite it being heavy. Oh!-...and a mask. Metal aswell to protect his face...to hide his face."

The woman writed everything down before she looks up at Pantalone "anything else about the design?"

"Not to...gracefull see it fit for a guard or a soldier" Pantalone spoke but he just thinks about the sizing and just lets out a sigh "just make armor that would fit the captain..."

The women gives him a nod and quickly calculates on how much materials will be put into this "how fast do you need it"

"This week"

"Mhh...doable" she spoke calculating some more before she writes the final prize on the paper, rips it of the noteblock and puts it on the counter for Pantalone to see.

The man looks at the prize with a smile on his face as it was nothing to him really yet the agents behind him saw the prize and got a little nervous despite them not even paying for it. "excelent! I will be looking foreward to seeing the craftsmanship. Have a lovely day miss"

"Do not call me miss-...just call me Adriana"

"Not big on formalities i see...well goodbye then" Pantalone spoke leaving the blacksmith to go to the next store. As he enters a new store the first thing you could see is a bunch of fabrics that could be turned into a outfit or anything you would request for by the shop owner. Pantalone just walks around before he touches a deep royal purple color of fabric feeling the quility and how thick it was. Pantalone does feel hands onto his waist and somebody bend down over him to look over his shoulder but he could sense this person as soon as he entered the store so he just lets him do that "i see you quit working"

"I wanted to come and see you, to see if you were safe." Dottore spoke looking at the fabric before he aswell touches it making his hand go down to the other harbinger his hand, taking it and raises it to his lips pressing a kiss against his knuckles. The fatui agents did not pay attention so when they suddenly saw the doctor stand with Pantalone they swallowed thickly as they are obviously intimidated by him. "This color was used often in their clothing, Their interior, it would suit him well-..."

Pantalone lets the other place a kiss onto his knuckles as it causes him to smile as they truely are standing there acting like a married couple "all i need is a cloak with a hood... i will use this fabric then...why do you seem so caring of him all of a sudden?"

"Because you are..."

"Sure-..." he spoke and watches Dottore handle it with the worker so he just goes to the agents giving them a smile "you two are wearing masks yet i can see you are afraid...of the doctor. There is nothing to be afraid off...you work for us do you not?"

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now